I have a gaming Schedule. Am I crazy?

I suppose if you were doing a grind game like bleach on PS3 you could watch a episode of a anime.
The games that I have no interest in the story, that are multiplayer, or requires a grind, I will watch shows. Bleach is literally all three. It would be a waste of time to NOT watch a show. Plus it would be boring as hell. Something like Persona 4, though, I listen to it all.
I am humbled by your in-depth, "holy crap that's a lot of gaming" gaming schedule. I wouldn't call it crazy though. I just hope you don't sit too close to the screen :P

My schedule is even more intense than yours. Here it is, starting in the AM:

1. Play Far Cry 3, long enough to either do 1 main mission or several side quests

2. Play 1 game in NBA 2k13

3. Then late at night I pick one of those 2 options and go with it.

I would say that I'm just past the point of playing a ton of games at once, but I don't think that was ever the case with me. Even when I used to sit in front of the screen for 6 hours at a time, those 6 hours were all probably the same game.

Of course maybe if I wasn't broke right now I'd buy some more, but even then I'd probably wait until I finished with what I started before opening them up. I guess I'm just weird like that. To each his own :party:
Gamer cannot be crazy if he is ok with his life. If he likes to implement what he sees in the game in real life, then he is crazy.
New Schedule!!!
There are a lot of games where I just need to tackle annoying long process trophies for the plat.

1. Heavy Rain: This is an easy plat because it's fun. I'm actually close to being done. I just need to continue playing the game to the end to get all trophies except 2 of them. One that is left appears to be glitchy...easy one, but for some reason isn't working. The other requires about an hour then I'll have the PLAT
2. Sleeping Dogs: I only need one more trophy for the plat. I think its going to cost me $2 from the playstation store to get it instantly though because the game is setup to be impossible to get this one last trophy without additional game content(JERKS). I will get this plat in 5 minutes once I spend the $2.

3. Little big planet Karting: There is a handful of 1/2 to 3/4 way complete trophies. I got annoying that I have to go online and play a bunch of rounds to get them. I'll be spending several hours a day for a week to complete this.
4. Worms Revolution: I was hoping the wife would get this trophy for me. It includes playing game after game online until you'll killed a zillion worms. The annoying trophy is the "allied victory. You have to win a teams game 10 times. This is a problem when practically nobody wants to play teams. There is little to no boosters around either. I would like to get this plat. I will try but if I get bored then screw it.
5. Red Dead Redemption: Just a handful of trophies to get online that can be done in minutes with boosters but take forever alone. This is another one I'll be trying for but may quit.
6. Uncharted 2: I'm not going to complete for plat on this one because of the online annoying stuff. I'm going to get all of the single player ones then try online for a bit.

7, 8, 9: Port Royal 3 & Saints row 3 & Midnight club
10. Dead Island: Because Dead Island ripetide is coming out I'm going to dedicate this time into completing for plat before I buy dead island riptide.

And while I'm doing that when I'm working and my wife is bored she's going to help me get a few too.
1. Back to the future: I do NOT play this game. Its not my style
2. Worms Revolution: As soon as I start playing it I know she's going to want to steal my controller and then play herself
3. Sims3: pets: We both play this, but for some reason we never went for trophies. A week ago I actually took a look and a lot of them are easy to get. For fun, I tried to get a trophy and got it in 2 minutes.
4. Little big planet 1 & 2: We're probably never going to get the plat because the online trophies are so stupid.
5. Little Big Planet Karting
6. Journey: I'm a bit turned off from the "play with an online friend through the whole game plat. I find that one should be tough.

Games I've opted out from trying to plat
Dead Space 2: I played for 20 minutes and was not impressed with the game. It just was not that fun. I doubt I'm going to try for this one.
Skate 3: The game sucks....lol
Gran turismo 5: BORRING. There's one part of the game where you are not the driver and just sit there pressing a button on every turn to tell the driver to slow down, speed up. Each race is like 10minutes long and there is like 80 races where you have to do that. What the hell were they thinking................
Battlefield 3: When I started playing it I was not impressed with the single player. It really was not excessively enjoyable so I may not go for this plat, or it'll have to be the last one left to go for it.

Games I'm buying this year
I got my plat work cut out for me because I have yet another list of games I need to get.
GTA5, Dead Island: Riptide, Saints Row 4, & Star Trek: the game

Also sitting in my desk at work for months I have Need for speed: Hot pursuit & God of war 1 & 2. I have not even brought them home after months because they will just distract me!! haha.

So this is my whole year planned out. I just wish I would get control of all of the stupid missing a few tough trophies before plat games but they unmotivated me so much. Then there is plats like GTA4 where its like "Oh, you have to play for 5 months straight to get it!" That bugs me too!
One of the dirty things I do is when a relatives come and one of the kids want to play a game I'll throw in a game that that just requires time to earn a trophy(For example: Little big planet, play 100 community levels) haha, I'll get a kid to mow down a few hours doing that without them knowing.
I don't think the scheduling idea is all that crazy. I often pencil myself in for 1-3hrs gaming in my planner so I can manage homework, independent work and also game playing.

Though I don't feel doing it for trophies is the best approach. I would recommend doing it so you can get the most out of your gaming experiences, ie: organising yourself to play a lot of different ones instead of Skinner-boxing only a couple for bragging rights. If you are really *that* keen on Platinums then at least do it when you don't have any new games to play or if the experience is still fresh and not grindy. Do it for the experience, not the prize at the end.
Your schedule is insane now. lol I have games to Plat too, but I only play 2-3 games at a time, switching off when I'm pissed at one. Currently working on Dead Space 3 and Tomb Raider. Anything else is casual play to just advance a bit.
It's all fun for me if I'm getting trophies. I don't brag online much or to show them off. It's more like an inner achievement feeling.

On Sunday I made a big bump 1st on my list. I got 4 silver tophs, and two of the easy bronzes. Tonight, I'm going to hit the last two bronzes which will take about 5 minutes, then go for one of the two remaining gold trophies. I should be able to get one tonight, then I'll be fighting for the last one. It's a great game to play anyway. My real life has turned to crap, so at least I'm having fun online.
Oh. I love that game. Gave up on the Plat though, will restart soon.
Ha, you have like 2 trophies. One for starting the game and one for finishing it. I think you cheated actually. You went through the whole game without a single bronze!!! They ding almost automatically every 5 minutes while playing.
You cheated didn't you? what did you do?

Anyway, I'm annoyed because I played through 1/2 of the game. We're talking 4hrs of playing for one of the hard gold trophies and the stupid thing didn't work! Now I have to do the same thing again and hope it doesn't glitch! I would've had the play tonight if this crap didn't happen.
Are you talking about Heavy Rain? I have like 70%, what are you talking about?
that's why I never understood the 70% thing.
You have one bronze for starting the game, one bronze for finishing the game, and one silver for doing something good when you finished the game. You are at 70%.

I have 47bronze trophies, and 4 silver trophies, and I am at 78%.

What the heck!!!!