I'm Leaving!

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And here we are!
Full GL Member
Some of you have been told others will be informed here.
Yes, I'm leaving.
For good?
I don't know...
But if I DO come back, I'll make a new account.

Anyways, as some of you know, I came to DSU to be accepted and then I moved here. Unfortunately, I didn't gain as much respect as I would liked but, whatever...
I don't wanna sound too attention seeking so, I'll keep this brief:
Yeah, I'm gonna miss most of you here, you've been really cool to me and I wish the world was smaller so I could meet you all! You all mean alot to me and I'd like to keep in contact...

Anyways, do any of you have any social netowrking services I can contact you guys on? It would really mean alot if I could still contact you.
Peace out, hah.
Shoutouts: Yeah, I can make shoutouts:
dandy dantheman
author yoshi64mario
annoying ouromov
awesome arcella <3
best friend flaming machete
unusually angry the ultimate koopa
my buddy, dark young link
my big bros porkman and greenwolf
lazy nin for making this place..
my pallio dl dark (idk)
green typer, yoshi
super amazing smfx100
Again, do any of you have any social netowrking services I can contact you guys on? It would really mean alot if I could still contact you.
I'll will miss you
................ *Waves Good-bye*

You were , and still are, a great member here. Your contributions to the site will not be forgotten. Especially the always entertaining, Question of the Day. Have fun pursuing any other goals in life; whether they may be small or big, I wish good luck to you. You were always a great member both here and at DSU and I do not regret meeting you. It was great knowing you and I wish you'd stay here. But it's your decision, not mine. Have a great life, Nintendo Channel.

And the answer is no unfortunately. I do not have any social networking sites I'm apart of.
Whether you leave for good, or comeback later, you were, are, and likely will always be a good member who can get along with near anyone. Hopefully your leaving benefits you, and know that you are always in good standing with this forum.

P.S. : Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100001508952562
Well, it really is a shame to see you go. Well you can always keep in touch with me over Facebook and Youtube. Don't be a stranger.

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/update_security_info.php?wizard=1#!/profile.php?id=100001527693347

Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/user/Porkman1309?feature=mhum
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I think personally you're truly overreacting here, since there's no real point to leaving. Is it all because people didn't give you enough attention? Isn't that just a little... overly pathetic to some degree? You're a nice person and all, but it's an internet forum, and the same amount of people will likely reply to your topics as those by anyone else.
See ya NC... I've already replied with the social networking stuff in your PM. I'll keep in touch... Constantly. Even if we aren't on at the same time, that's what email's are for... I think... Oh well, too bad if they're not!
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I think personally you're truly overreacting here, since there's no real point to leaving. Is it all because people didn't give you enough attention? Isn't that just a little... overly pathetic to some degree? You're a nice person and all, but it's an internet forum, and the same amount of people will likely reply to your topics as those by anyone else.

Anyways, I have your skype, your Youtube channel, all should be fine.
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I think personally you're truly overreacting here, since there's no real point to leaving. Is it all because people didn't give you enough attention? Isn't that just a little... overly pathetic to some degree? You're a nice person and all, but it's an internet forum, and the same amount of people will likely reply to your topics as those by anyone else.

I agree with Nin on this one. There are legitimate reasons to leave, and this isn't exactly one of them.
It's a shame to see you go, but leaving just because you haven't gotten the respect you think you deserve isn't very fair for all of us. You have to earn that respect, and I'd say you've gotten plenty of respect. Your well liked, and known for your Questions of the Day Thread. Heck, if I was only here for respect, I would've left a long time ago. I stay here because I enjoy it, and I've made plenty of friends on the way here, and so have you. In the end, it's not my choice, but if I were you, I'd rethink it for just a moment.

If not, Goodbye.
I think personally you're truly overreacting here, since there's no real point to leaving. Is it all because people didn't give you enough attention? Isn't that just a little... overly pathetic to some degree? You're a nice person and all, but it's an internet forum, and the same amount of people will likely reply to your topics as those by anyone else.

Actually, YOU are one of the main reasons why I'm leaving. I don't need attention, I'm fine without. I'm also leaving, because of reasons that'll get this topic locked..
But otherwise, pathetic is just a word from someone who shouldn't be pointing fingers.
Anyways, you have my IP Address, you'll know if it's me if I make a new account.
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The point is I don't want you to leave because you're a great member who's always started intelligent conversations and helped the site. I don't have the entire day to devote to an internet forum.
I'm just abit fed up, maybe instead of leaving, I just take a break.
But if I change my mind now, my goodbyes'll seem like nothing. I am glad that people don't want me to leave though.
Don't worry about a break, everyone needs one. It's pretty much just called burn out, or being bored with the internet in general. Maybe take a few days off or something.

Anyways, I have your skype, your Youtube channel, all should be fine.
I don't recall cheat threatening to quit for attention, regardless, I think you should be more respectful. Not even because he's the admin, but it's grossly offensive to me that you would call someone out like that in the public for no forewarned reason.

Regardless, there is no need to quit, if you want a break, please do, take one. Everyone needs one from time to time and we'd all completely understand because we all take breaks too. Hope you come back soon.
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Don't worry about a break, everyone needs one. It's pretty much just called burn out, or being bored with the internet in general. Maybe take a few days off or something.
Actually I know that feeling. I have had thoughts of just going going online to go to Youtube. Just forget about my time here and my past 3 years at the other forum I go to. However I never have left nor have intentions of leaving.
Everyone needs a break from most things every once in a while. See you soon I guess.
I still don't see the point of a leaving topic. Go ahead and message your close friends, but we honestly don't care if you've had problems here and are leaving. People who act like this and make excuses for leaving are not remembered. This is why leaving topics are usually locked.
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