I'm Leaving!

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I still don't see the point of a leaving topic. Go ahead and message your close friends, but we honestly don't care if you've had problems here and are leaving. People who act like this and make excuses for leaving are not remembered. This is why leaving topics are usually locked.

You know, this negative voting quota annoys me very much.
It's always unfortunate when a member decides to leave, but I have to agree with Nin and a few others. Respect isn't something you should expect people to hand out, nor is it something that will always be apparent. If popularity is what you seek, maybe you don't belong here. This is a community made for Nintendo gamers and enthusiasts to hang out and have fun. I mean, what were you hoping for, a promotion? A shiny medal in the mail? Just because people don't show their appreciation of you daily doesn't mean that they don't appreciate you.

The fact that you're blaming Nin for wanting to leave is just a bit sad. What has he done to you? If it weren't for him, this place wouldn't exist, and neither would've DSU. The least you can do is show him a bit of respect.

I hope that you reconsider your decision and decide to stay. People do like you more than you think (myself included), but it seems to me that your logic is a bit faulty.
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I still don't see the point of a leaving topic. Go ahead and message your close friends, but we honestly don't care if you've had problems here and are leaving. People who act like this and make excuses for leaving are not remembered. This is why leaving topics are usually locked.

Don't say "we" like everyone thinks the same as you. YOU don't care but my friends do, and that's enough...
I don't even know who you are, dude... matt is currently a ninja?!
I still don't see the point of a leaving topic. Go ahead and message your close friends, but we honestly don't care if you've had problems here and are leaving. People who act like this and make excuses for leaving are not remembered. This is why leaving topics are usually locked.
Mainly so people on the forum are aware. Whether you realize it or not, each and every poster is important and as a community each and every person should care a little for each other. If we didn't there would be no point in getting together and communicating. Some will be closer than others, some will flat out hate others. But if you don't care about ANYONE here, why stay?

He has people on this forum that care about him, and there are people who aren't as close but still acknowledge his presence and they should be allowed to know just as much as anyone else. I don't think it should be very dramatic, but leaving a small threat letting people is not a problem to me and it shouldn't be to anyone.

he fact that you're blaming Nin for wanting to leave is just a bit sad. What has he done to you? If it weren't for him, this place wouldn't exist, and neither would've DSU. The least you can do is show him a bit of respect.
Maybe I missed it but I re-read his whole post I didn't see him blame Cheat. Though Dev called Cheat a hypocrite which I already mentioned in my previous post.
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He says it in post #12.
I have no idea how I missed that, but it's a big one. Thanks by the way.

I don't really understand anyone who dislikes Cheat to be honest. I think he has done a pretty good job of maintaining the site, trying to keep it active, making threads and talking. But he still stays sincere and in character as an admin and not just a buddy. He is not as personal and doesn't show as much character as some people do which means theres not as many characteristics of him that are immediate and evident for someone to dislike or even hate. He's a pretty even person, I don't know how someone gets a personal grief with him unless they talking to him personally. I've noticed a few people taking a disliking to Cheat and some of them were a bit stronger about it and I never really agreed with any of them.

I don't want to, or care, why Nintendo Channel dislikes Cheat, but I do think any personal issues someone has should not only concealed to, but dealt with, in private. I don't really see Cheat getting in a flame war but personal attacks similar to this are often likely to start them.

If you want to leave because of a specific person, fine. But it would be much easier to just talk to that person and resolve any issues you may have as mature people. As long as both sides are rational and want to seek a solution, one can be found. Talking is the first step.
If you want to leave because of a specific person, fine. But it would be much easier to just talk to that person and resolve any issues you may have as mature people. As long as both sides are rational and want to seek a solution, one can be found. Talking is the first step.
The words in bold are very true yet hardly ever done. Lack of communication is the main thing that breaks down arguments to full-on flame wars.
Mainly so people on the forum are aware. Whether you realize it or not, each and every poster is important and as a community each and every person should care a little for each other. If we didn't there would be no point in getting together and communicating. Some will be closer than others, some will flat out hate others. But if you don't care about ANYONE here, why stay?

He has people on this forum that care about him, and there are people who aren't as close but still acknowledge his presence and they should be allowed to know just as much as anyone else. I don't think it should be very dramatic, but leaving a small threat letting people is not a problem to me and it shouldn't be to anyone.

Maybe I missed it but I re-read his whole post I didn't see him blame Cheat. Though Dev called Cheat a hypocrite which I already mentioned in my previous post.

I'm willing to give you a liver for the quality posts you've been making.
The words in bold are very true yet hardly ever done. Lack of communication is the main thing that breaks down arguments to full-on flame wars.
The thing is, so many people get in fights and waste a lot of time away from each other. If it's something small, maybe it wasn't even worth being angry about and they'll both forget about it. But when it's something big, both people will be very angry and won't want to talk to each other, spending time on their own, just thinking. Thinking about it can be very good, but most often, the person only looks at their own side and just get angrier about it. I try to point them in the direction by talking out their problems because I really do believe any hatred can be avoided with a little understanding. In the end, maybe you will both still disagree, but the understanding between the two will make each other feel much better if not even better than before.
I think what NintendoChannel means is that he decided not to leave, so this topic is entirely pointless now. He's just taking a break from the site. The problem is, others didn't catch on to that bit, so we're all talking as if there actually is any 'drama'.

As exciting as this drama-fest is, I think the topic has overstayed its welcome. Further discussion of the matter may be handled in private.
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