Increasing Self Check-outs


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A bit dismayed at seeing more self check-outs at my local grocery store and taking out more clerk ran check-outs. Anyone here for or against self check-outs at stores?
Self-checkouts maybe good in places with a lot of robberies where the criminals threaten to harm or harms a cashier when robbing the cash register.

Covid19 is not gone yet, so finding cashiers to hire maybe more difficult because a lot of workers still fear getting infected with Covid, so having self-checkout maybe a way to prevent too many people to wait in line at a few cashiers line, and causing the cashier to be overworked.

There are also people who may have leg injuries or disability which cause them not to be able to stand in the cashier line for many minutes. Quickly paying with self-check out to buy a few items maybe better for people with health problems who can't stand in line for too long before their leg or other body part hurts.
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I like them. As long as the machines don't start creating random problems (unidentified objects etc.), they're pretty good. I can scan at my own pace, look at the prices quickly if needed, and sort out payments my way too.
I am the type of person that will wait in a line just not to use the self-checkouts. lol Especially when I have a cart full of produce. It's not that I can't do it, it's just my anxiety peaks knowing that there are people behind me waiting for me to punch in the numbers. I rather wait in line and strike up a conversation with the person next to me.
I prefer them because I don't have to interact with people. My work place has them and I get so many angry people saying, "This is going to take your job." Joke's on them, though, self check outs break so easy and run into so many errors it'll never replace actual humans.
The thing is a smaller store that I've worked for has had a reason for it. There aren't people that even desire the job in the area it takes up. It doesn't pay, it crowds the few cashiers left, and stubborn rude people all want it done by a live person. The small benefit of the cashier job is the ones that have been doing it forever have good job security and a steady flow of income but they don't get paid much, to begin with, and can't afford much. In any economy that means it wasn't a well worth job because there are many like it.
Self checkouts are nice for when I only have a few things. They’re annoying for full groceries.

So much this.

I like them. As long as the machines don't start creating random problems (unidentified objects etc.), they're pretty good. I can scan at my own pace, look at the prices quickly if needed, and sort out payments my way too.

It's rare I go into an area and don't see one broken or can't take cash.

I prefer them because I don't have to interact with people. My work place has them and I get so many angry people saying, "This is going to take your job." Joke's on them, though, self check outs break so easy and run into so many errors it'll never replace actual humans.

It won't take jobs away, just means there can be more out helping customers, stocking shelfs or strigthen them up.
It won't take jobs away, just means there can be more out helping customers, stocking shelfs or strigthen them up.
Even if there is there are fewer people out there actively looking for a job related to the same business as cashiering.
It's pretty good in the supermarkets near me. They're also split in half where half of them only accept card payments and the other half take either cash or card payments.
It's pretty good in the supermarkets near me. They're also split in half where half of them only accept card payments and the other half take either cash or card payments.
That's the one thing I don't like about the self checkouts at my workplace. Idk why only half are card only and half are cash and card. It makes more sense for them all to be able to take whatever.
Seems to me that alot of grocery stores are trying to cut on cost by installing self checkouts instead of providing jobs to those who need them. In my opinion they should have a few self checkouts for those and hire people to run regular registers.
I feel bad for the people at the local bank at the grocery store I go to, all the machines keep asking to swipe their rewards card and it just goes off over and over every time someone uses it loudly even and right next to the bank. Must be maddening.
That's the one thing I don't like about the self checkouts at my workplace. Idk why only half are card only and half are cash and card. It makes more sense for them all to be able to take whatever.
Yeah, it creates problems with the queue too as some people have to hold back if all the cash ones are taken. I'm guessing it's an expense thing since those are probably more expensive to buy/manage.
This is becoming more and more the thing these days. Wal-Mart does it, Target does it.......I'm surprised they haven't offered this at my work (if I say that too loudly, they may do it; kind of like saying Beetlejuice too many times). It's just something that is becoming the norm, whether I like it or not.

The older people are the ones that don't like to do it because they hate using computers. So, they'll still go to the check out lines where a cashier can wait on them.
This is becoming more and more the thing these days. Wal-Mart does it, Target does it.......I'm surprised they haven't offered this at my work (if I say that too loudly, they may do it; kind of like saying Beetlejuice too many times). It's just something that is becoming the norm, whether I like it or not.

The older people are the ones that don't like to do it because they hate using computers. So, they'll still go to the check out lines where a cashier can wait on them.

Older folks won't go for it, I know lots of people young and old who don't want to bag their large cart full of stuff.
Older folks won't go for it, I know lots of people young and old who don't want to bag their large cart full of stuff.
I mean it's just me but I'd bag for myself. Big orders I'd be less confident because I would be afraid I'd run out of space on the side you put them on.
Most supermarkets in the UK have a good balance of tills and self service checkouts. Having staff on the tills is another thing though!
Older folks won't go for it, I know lots of people young and old who don't want to bag their large cart full of stuff.

I think people who pay with cash may also prefer a worker bag their items while they are counting their cash, and paying attention to how much they have to pay. It also takes a little time to put change like coins back in a wallet.

A lot of people may also prefer someone bag their purchases instead of bagging a large cart or basket full of groceries which can be difficult for people who are suffering from poor health problems.
Older folks won't go for it, I know lots of people young and old who don't want to bag their large cart full of stuff.
You guys don't bag your own stuff? I saw that some American supermarkets have bag boys/girls but thought that was a rare thing