Read from CBR Ford on digital de-aging scenes in the movie:
Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny star Harrison Ford recently admitted that he was hesitant about de-aging the title character until Lucasfilm showed him how it would be achieved.
"I never loved the idea until I saw how it was accomplished in this case — which is very different than the way it’s been done in other films I’ve seen," Ford explained to The Hollywood Reporter. "They’ve got every frame of film, either printed or unprinted, of me during 40 years of working with Lucasfilm on various stuff. I can act the scene and they sort through with AI every fucking foot of film to find me in that same angle and light. It’s bizarre and it works and it is my face."
Haven't this movie gone for too long? Also Ford is getting too old to keep playing the role in my eyes. I don't know if any other person sees it the same way I do.