Ingrown toenail


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Had this issue going on for a bit, doctor said best course of action is to remove the nail... the whole nail.... on my big toe and I had that done today..... it hurts to walk x_x
Damn! well at least the main problem is gone now. Hopefully it will only take up to 6 months for it to completely regrow.
What do I have to do?
Eat more food with high protein like lean meat, eggs, fish, cheese, almonds, peanuts and drink more milk.

Though eating more cheese could cause constipation unless you eat more magnesium rich food too and more fiber.

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What do I have to do?

Also Biotin. It is the main ingredient for hair skin and nail growth in maternal vitamins. But you will have to drink A LOT of water if you take it otherwise, it will cause your skin to break out.

On the plus side, your hair will grow like a weed.

Also Collagen, Vitamin E and D supplements are good to take with Biotin.

I take these supplements myself except I take 10,000 mcg Biotin, and my hair grows nearly an inch each month.. I don't now how fast my nails grow because I keep them trimmed short.
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Also Biotin. It is the main ingredient for hair skin and nail growth in maternal vitamins. But you will have to drink A LOT of water if you take it otherwise, it will cause your skin to break out.

On the plus side, your hair will grow like a weed.

Also Collagen, Vitamin E and D supplements are good to take with Biotin.

I take these supplements myself except I take 10,000 mcg Biotin, and my hair grows nearly an inch each month.. I don't now how fast my nails grow because I keep them trimmed short.

I already take 2500 mcg biotin, what do you take to get 10k?
I already take 2500 mcg biotin, what do you take to get 10k?
Here you go..

Also, Nature's Bounty has one in a little liquid pill if you can't do tablets (some can't) I use that one because it is suspended in oil and I sometimes pop them to add to my hair products.

And here is my collagen supplement (though my label is purple which is the PLUS formula.. not blue)

And I forget how much vitamin e I take but it was high potency, I think it was this..

but I use this in my hair stuff that I make it is for topical use so maybe it'll work with a dropper..

Too much biotin supplement could be dangerous too. It could cause insulin issue leading to diabetes and could cause nerve damage. eggs and beef are already high in biotin too. 2500 mcg + from food is already alot imo remember the dv per day for biotin is only 30 to 70 mcg. Biotin is basically vitamin b7

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Ouch! In grown toenails suck. The pain is the worst. Get well soon bro.

Honestly I only had one bad day of pain and slight moments of irritation with everything. Right now, more pain than anything else.

I’ve never heard of an ingrown on the back, or was the back just that infected?

That infected, even clearing it out my skin was still puffy and not right looking and the new nail looked like it wasn't growing right.

Too much biotin supplement could be dangerous too. It could cause insulin issue leading to diabetes and could cause nerve damage. eggs and beef are already high in biotin too. 2500 mcg + from food is already alot imo remember the dv per day for biotin is only 30 to 70 mcg. Biotin is basically vitamin b7

Yeah looked into that already, think I'll just stick with my gummies.
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Too much biotin supplement could be dangerous too. It could cause insulin issue leading to diabetes and could cause nerve damage. eggs and beef are already high in biotin too. 2500 mcg + from food is already alot imo remember the dv per day for biotin is only 30 to 70 mcg. Biotin is basically vitamin b7

You should always consult your Dr. before you take anything because our bodies are different. It is a shame that the medical industry hasn't caught on to that yet.

But from what my Drs. have told me, is that the excess come out in urine.. so that would be the additional benefit to staying hydrated while taking it.
You should always consult your Dr. before you take anything because our bodies are different. It is a shame that the medical industry hasn't caught on to that yet.

But from what my Drs. have told me, is that the excess come out in urine.. so that would be the additional benefit to staying hydrated while taking it.
Yes human bodies are all "different". Every Dr also got their own views too and thus even in the medical world all medical stuff is always debated by them too themselves with newer scientific finding and stuff. Human Medical stuff is a really complex thing and it's not exact science so nothing is completely right or wrong in a sense. And I never trust any dr. 100% they are not always right too in analyzing our bodies. And also Drs also like to "sell" vitamins or supplements or new drugs to us too sometimes because they get a commission from the drugs or certain vitamin/supplement brands that they made a deal with, from the sales.

Yes the excess will go to urine along with all other excess vitamins and other excess chemicals from the body that can be processed by the kidneys into urine. But it does not change the fact that the risks are there. If your Dr did not mention the risks than he/she is not a very good dr imo And not to mention you are putting an extra strain on your kidneys by having them to process that many biotin too. And you can easily stay hydrated too without having to put any extra strain on your kidneys.
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