Intel: 5 million entry-level “Cloudbook” laptops sold to date, next-gen to feature Apollo Lake chip


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Acer may be the only company that actually has a laptop called the Cloudbook. But Intel is using the term to describe a whole category of low-cost, low-power Windows laptops that sell for between $169 and $269. And Intel says since the category was introduced in 2014, over 5 million units have been shipped.

Basically, cloudbooks are Chromebook-like notebooks with entry-level specs and price tags, but with Windows software instead of Google Chrome. Another way to think of them might be as the evolution of the netbook… but while netbooks typically had screen sizes ranging from 7 to 10 inches, most cloudbooks have screens between 11.6 and 14 inches.

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5 million is a lot of laptops. I wonder who are buying all these cheaper and lower speed Windows Intel CPU laptops. I rarely see anyone use, or talk about them online, and offline.

I bet, a lot of these cheap Intel laptops are being used for Bittorent, running a printer and file server, and small database or media server at home or a small business. Some of these laptops may also be used by poorer college students who mostly write reports, essays, and presentations for classes like English, Biology and History.

I feel Cloudbook is not good name for an affordable laptop. A lot of people still don't understand what Cloud Computing is, so they maybe less likely to buy a laptop with the word cloud in its name. Some people may also think these laptops are only good for browsing the web, and won't work if the internet is disconnected, or it can't run offline programs like Windows Media Player, and games like Minecraft.

I bet, Acer and Intel can sell more affordable laptops if they used a simpler name, and also created more software, and games which run faster even on lower speed cloudbooks.
Maybe for some 3rd world country?

I agree these laptops maybe popular in 3rd World countries. But, people in 3rd World countries may need laptops with more than 32-64GB of storage because they need to save a lot of stuff like video, music, ebook, articles, software, and games to their hard drive because the internet is unreliable, or hard to connect to the internet in 3rd world countries.

These laptops can also be good for elementary to high schools which mainly use laptops to do homework assignment, test/quiz, presentations and play educational games.