Is it cruel to put the elderly in nursing homes?

It is wrong to put the elderly in nursing homes. They cared for us restlessly when we were little, they fed us before feeding themselves and they took up many hardships to give us a comfortable life. It is our duty to care for them in their later years, its the least we can do for them. People argue that nursing homes are better equipped to take of the elderly etc etc but what they need the most is some loved one to talk to them and be there for them.

We do not know how long they are going to be in this world the least we can do is make their last days free of sorrow.
If they get good care, then it's not cruel.
If they get no care or bad care, then it's cruel.

All true, but its always cruel to take those who are attached to their homes and put them somewhere else.
Hopefully, the elderly who get abused by their household is not sent to a old-age home which has poor living conditions because the household pick the cheapest old age home to save money and time because they are too lazy to find a decent old age home with good staff and things like a TV, internet service, computers, and video games to keep the elderly more entertained.

Honestly, picking a cheap old age home is unforgivable but it makes sense. People who don't want to take care of them, would like to get rid of them without spending too much money. But instead of being hated by just being there, I believe even that cheap old age home is a best option for them.
They might not get enough entertainment like TV, internet service, computers, and video games but they could always interact with the fellow peers.
I would never put any person of my family into a nursing home.

They took care of us when we were younger and now we can do the same about them.
Honestly, picking a cheap old age home is unforgivable but it makes sense. People who don't want to take care of them, would like to get rid of them without spending too much money. But instead of being hated by just being there, I believe even that cheap old age home is a best option for them.
They might not get enough entertainment like TV, internet service, computers, and video games but they could always interact with the fellow peers.

Cheap old age homes living conditions are most likely better than living with greedy and cruel relatives who are greedy and does not spend money to buy enough food to properly feed their older relatives with three meals a day, and also are too cheap properly cool and heat their house to a comfortable temperature for people to live in.

I think old people in cheap old age homes at least have enough food, and proper heating and air conditioning to keep old people from getting hungry, and not freeze or sweat a lot from overly cold and hot temperatures. There is likely more human interaction with other old people, and the nurses and doctors, so going to an old age home can be better options for old people who have relatives who are cruel, greedy, and lazy to properly care for them, and interact with them.

Hopefully, cheap old age home at least have more affordable forms of entertainments like books, newspapers, magazines, board games, and a radio to keep residents entertained.
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Cheap old age homes living conditions are most likely better than living with greedy and cruel relatives who are greedy and does not spend money to buy enough food to properly feed their older relatives with three meals a day, and also are too cheap properly cool and heat their house to a comfortable temperature for people to live in.

I think old people in cheap old age homes at least have enough food, and proper heating and air conditioning to keep old people from getting hungry, and not freeze or sweat a lot from overly cold and hot temperatures. There is likely more human interaction with other old people, and the nurses and doctors, so going to an old age home can be better options for old people who have relatives who are cruel, greedy, and lazy to properly care for them, and interact with them.

Hopefully, cheap old age home at least have more affordable forms of entertainments like books, newspapers, magazines, board games, and a radio to keep residents entertained.
Yeah. It's impossible to live at a place where you are not wanted. I can't imagine such a situation and I hope I don't encounter this in my life time.
I really really don't want to face such a situation because I don't have the strength to bare it.
Fortunately for us here in the Philippines, nursing homes for the elderlies are not much in vogue, in fact I haven't seen one myself. Relatives take care of their aged folks here in our place and they care for them in an unusually-type-of-caring manner, like they were caring for babies. The problem arises when these old folks have no more realtives around and I guess that's one of the reasons why we need to build homes for the aged. It's not a bad idea after all.
The problem arises when these old folks have no more realtives around and I guess that's one of the reasons why we need to build homes for the aged. It's not a bad idea after all.

Many people are living longer, so their children may also become too old to care for their parents who are even older than them. It can be difficult for an 80 year old person to care for an 95+ year old person if both relatives suffer from body pain like back pain. Some people never had children, so there are no young relatives like grand children to care for their grand parents and parents. It may also be more affordable for both old parents and older children to move into a old age home than hiring a nurse, and care workers to buy groceries, clean their home, and cook, and also pay for rent, and basic utility bills like electricity, gas, transportation like taxi rides, and telephone service.
Yes it is. Elders cared for us when we are children, we should give back the favor. Doesn't matter if that person is our relative or not, or if he is not a good person.
Case to case basis. If the family can't take care of the elder better to put them in but if you truly owe them your life when you being a little took care of you, personally you will take care of them.
Yes of course. But I think if you don't have a choice, at least visit them everyday. I don't want to see my parents in a nursing home, as long as I can, I will do my best to be there always at their side.
Here in my country, sending the elders in the nursing home is too cruel for us. We value family the most. And it is a costum to take care the elders in the family, as a way of giving back in them.
It will be cruel if you send them to a nursing home without valid reason and it depends on the situation, if you are really busy by having doing some very important things like your work for example, then I think that is the time were you have to send your elderly to a nursing home, but don't forget to visit him or her regularly to bring things that will make him or her happy.

For me as much as possible, if my parents are already old, I don't want to send them to a nursing home, because that is the time were you will have a chance to pay back those good things that they did to you when you are still young by taking care of them, giving something that will make them happy while in your home.
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