Is saving money and energy like electricity and gas a geeky/nerdy hobby?


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In North America, some people considered geeky when you install solar panels on you roof to generate your own electricity. I think some people also think LED power saving lightbulbs, and low energy usage electronics kind of geeky when you talk too much about them in detail.

Unfortunately, people who choose to waste energy like using a large gas barbecue grill are seen as more manly and cool compared to someone who uses a solar powered or energy efficient electric oven which can cook food using less electricity, or no electricity if the oven uses the power of the sun's heat to cook food.
I don't really understand that people who think that is a geeky/nerdy hobby. As it is not a movie or any entertainment media. I think people who do that is great as they help the environment.
I don't really understand that people who think that is a geeky/nerdy hobby. As it is not a movie or any entertainment media. I think people who do that is great as they help the environment.

People who enjoy saving energy as a hobby to help the environment also can save a lot of money overtime because they are paying less money per month to the electricity and gas companies which can be very greedy by raising energy prices to earn more money. They can use the money they saved pay off their debt like student loan, save the money for retirement or unemployment, and give the money to a needy person like a disabled person who may need money for food, rent, and medicine because the government is not giving them enough money to treat their disability, and bills like rent and food.

If the government saves more money on energy, there could be more money left for things like feeding the hungry, and buying more books for the local library. There will also be fewer people who end up getting health problems like breathing problems from breathing too much coal, gas, diesel, and other dirty energy sources. The government would save more money by not needing to treat as many sick people who got breathing problems from breathing in too much dust from burning coal, gas, diesel, etc.
Honestly, talking about anything too much in depth is considered geeky to anyone not interested. You can take a really masculine topic like guns and make it geeky when you go into great detail about glock customization.
People who enjoy saving energy as a hobby to help the environment also can save a lot of money overtime because they are paying less money per month to the electricity and gas companies which can be very greedy by raising energy prices to earn more money. They can use the money they saved pay off their debt like student loan, save the money for retirement or unemployment, and give the money to a needy person like a disabled person who may need money for food, rent, and medicine because the government is not giving them enough money to treat their disability, and bills like rent and food.
A great opportunity to use the money on stock market. :p
Me and my parents are in a bit of a rough patch right now, so we're kind of pinching all kinds of pennies. If anyone says trying to save money is shameful than they can seriously go screw themselves.
A great opportunity to use the money on stock market. :p

The stock market can be a good place to invest your money if you know about the risks of investing in stocks.

Buying stocks can be somewhat risky, and expensive for stocks which won't become worthless because of a scandal or bad luck like poor sales, and their website and cash registers and credit card scanners getting hacked. If you live in a town where electricity is cheap, the money savings from saving electricity may not be enough to buy most stocks from bigger companies like stock which cost $1710 USD per stock share.

Me and my parents are in a bit of a rough patch right now, so we're kind of pinching all kinds of pennies. If anyone says trying to save money is shameful than they can seriously go screw themselves.

I agree people who think money saving is lame should be ashamed with themselves. I bet, some wasteful people may also take advantage of people, so they can be wasteful. There are companies which raise the price of their products, and greedy apartment owners who always raise the price of rent, but are too cheap to fix their dangerous apartments with poor living conditions like moldy walls, no heating, and faulty electrical wiring.
I think a lot of online meme posts and jokes about environmentalist, electric cars, and general energy saving tips may make people think saving energy and money is a nerdy/geeky hobby.
Tbh the fact that electric cars are advertised/owned by a bunch of snooty hipsters don't help the market either.

I agree the snooty hipsters are not really helping the market. I think it is the same for some luxury car brands are becoming not as popular because a lot of people may not want to drive a car which snobby people tend to buy.

this is sadly true, as I know such people...

That is unfortunate. I bet, a lot of these people who are bad with money complain when they need money.
I think it is the same for some luxury car brands are becoming not as popular because a lot of people may not want to drive a car which snobby people tend to buy.

Or maybe it’s because factors like not being able to afford payments and insurance, or their credit is bad and they can’t get a loan.
Or maybe it’s because factors like not being able to afford payments and insurance, or their credit is bad and they can’t get a loan.

This is true. Expensive cars are not affordable to most people, and getting loans can be difficult when you have bad credit. The car repair costs of luxury cars are also expensive where some people may decide to not buy a luxury car or sell their current luxury car because they can not afford to maintain, and repair their car.
Honestly, saving up money is a good thing.
I do care for the electricity wastage but not because of the money. I just don't want it to get I have been experiencing the power cuts often.
Honestly, saving up money is a good thing.
I do care for the electricity wastage but not because of the money. I just don't want it to get I have been experiencing the power cuts often.

Some older houses have electricity problems where the power can get overloaded, and turns off the whole house power when many electric heaters, electric ovens, and hair dryers are turned on at the same time.
Some older houses have electricity problems where the power can get overloaded, and turns off the whole house power when many electric heaters, electric ovens, and hair dryers are turned on at the same time.
Are you talking about the fuse concept?
I believe all the houses here are the same. I have never changed that wire but I saw my mom do it
Are you talking about the fuse concept?
I believe all the houses here are the same. I have never changed that wire but I saw my mom do it

Yes, I am talking about the fuse concept where the home owner change a fuse when the fuse breaks.
Yes, I am talking about the fuse concept where the home owner change a fuse when the fuse breaks.
Oh lol.
Yeah then I guess we live in those so called old houses then.
Believe me it's not that bad at all... The overloading happens once in a blue moon... Like probably 2-3 times a year or so.... That too hardly
Oh lol.
Yeah then I guess we live in those so called old houses then.
Believe me it's not that bad at all... The overloading happens once in a blue moon... Like probably 2-3 times a year or so.... That too hardly

If you use a lot of poor quality electronics and appliances like electric stoves which use a lot a power, or your home's electrical fuses are low quality, the fuses may blow more often than 2-3 times per year.

But, fuses blowing out is not as common these days unless you use too much electricity at once, or your house has an electrical power.