Kingdom Hearts 3


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Rejoice! Rejoice KH fans, at long last Kingdom hearts 3 has now official began development for PS4! REJOICE!


This game is coming to Xbox one as well. WHY?!!!!!
Development had been since 2010.

And because they want more money and more people get to play it.
GA, MM is right. It started in 2012, if my prior information from 2011-ish is right, because KH3D took KH3's development slot, so to speak, on Square Enix's agenda; therefore, KH3 development likely started in summer last year.
I'm really excited to play 3.

I had a hard time getting into the inbetweequels (I just made that word up, it's awesome) like the card one, etc.

The last one I played was 2, so it only seems fitting that I move right on to 3! 

I do agree that it would have made more sense on the Wii U than the Xbox. That seems like a really strange notion to me.
It's probably because the XB1 still has megafanboys from the 360, who rave continuously despite Microsoft's blunders, while Nintendo fans, in the Wii aftermath, have become more docile.
The probably expect to make enough from the PS4 sales if the Xbox ones don't go too well.

As for why they'll release it on the Xbox and not the Wii U, it could be because of the specs. The Wii U kinda lags behind the Xbox and the PS4.
I'm a little excited, but just a little. The last time I played Kingdom Hearts was when North Korea made it's first nuclear bomb and it feels like a forever and a half away. Looking back, the transition between Kingdom Hearts 1 and 2 was just insane, there's an infograph of what happens and no matter how many times I read it, it still doesn't make sense. I'll still end up getting it though, hopefully they decide to make a more transparent plot. LOL who am I kidding, this is Square Enix I'm talking about.
Well Square Enix, I really didn't plan on living anytime soon, I think I'll go and die from the pure joy and excitement that is currently bundeled inside of my mortal body.
Well SE is huge, so I'm not surprised. keep in mind they have 3 huge projects at the moment.
What is it that makes these games so great? I've never played one myself, I've always thought the concept looked silly to me, running around an RPG with Donald Duck and stuff? They must be great though, they're immensely popular and always mentioned as being amazing. Looks like it's coming out for XBox as well as PS4, from my quick research. 
This game has so much potential now that Disney bought Marvel and Star Wars. I mean..could you imagine the crazy character combinations?  Tifa + Storm Trooper + Hulk?! Hahaha. I'm excited to see fan art in the near future with this! 