Last Game Bought

Just bought a new stuff pack for the Sims 4, this time halloween themed. I know they usually aren't really worth it but it seems to me they did the theming right this time, and it fits in line with the whole overpriced holiday stuff everywhere thing that happens this time of year.
The last game that I bought was Need For Speed - Hot Pursuit which was on special offer for quite a cheap price on the Xbox 360 marketplace.
Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection
Last game I bought is today. Bus Simulator 2016
I believe that the last game I bought was Euro Truck Simulator 2.

If that counts, I have won a copy of GTA V from a contest latest.
For me, it is not practical to buy a game. There are lots of free games that can be downloaded and the function is the same as the pro games. So I haven't yet buy a game so far.
I think the call of duty for me few years ago. I like that game before and playing with my computer almost everyday.
The last game I bought was Sims 4. Me and my siblings are playing this game ever since we are a kid. So, when the time comes that Sims have new version in PC, we bought it right away. We really enjoy playing the game and designing our own house.