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Jurassic Park: The Game
Continuing my FF7 Remake PC no weapons upgrade run. Recorded dart game minigame and Bike Chase 1 action minigame. Got the Jessie gives Cloud cheek kiss on bike scene lol:

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Been working on maxing out the levels on all of my weapons for Dynasty Warriors Origins and trying to complete all of the missions.
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Been working on maxing out the levels on all of my weapons for Dynasty Warriors Origins and trying to complete all of the missions.
How's Diaochan's story in this one? can you prevent her death at Hu Lao Gate in this one?
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FF7 Remake PC no weapons upgrade run. Recorded Roche boss battle, 1 vs 1 Swordfight:
FF7 Remake PC. recorded Crab Warden Robot Boss battle.
Started replaying Mass Effect trilogy, Legendary edition PC with Higher quality Texture Mods, Lighting mods, Reshade and Surround sound Fix by me. Insanity difficulty. with the mods installed game looks a lot nicer than the vanilla Legendary edition imo. Recorded the beginning of Eden Prime mission play:
Started replaying Mass Effect trilogy, Legendary edition PC with Higher quality Texture Mods, Lighting mods, Reshade and Surround sound Fix by me. Insanity difficulty. with the mods installed game looks a lot nicer than the vanilla Legendary edition imo. Recorded the beginning of Eden Prime mission play:

Solider class is probably the lamest class to play. I used to pick it when I didn't want to experiment with the other classes but in repeat playthroughs I would have experimented a lot. Other wise I never would have found gems. For example once I picked the vanguard class (I think in andromeda) I knew I would never pick any other class again because of how much fun it was.
Man of Medan (PS5)
Played some more Mass Effect 1 Legendary Edition, PC. completed the bring down the sky story mission DLC. Recorded it:
Played some more. Recorded the Liara rescue mission:

Recorded Tresher Maw mini boss battle
Completed Trebin sidequest. Took out another Tresher Maw mini Boss and gazillion of Husks inside the excavation site. Recorded the sidequest:
