Last Game Played

Gangstar Miami
The last game that I played was League of Legends. I played about two rounds of it and then had to get off because it was distracting me from my work (I work at home). The only thing that I don't like about League is the toxic community. However, since I am done my work I am going to log into Steam and play some Spiral Knights. 
Resident Evil 6 on PC. I completed Leon's campaign in a day. Wasn't the smartest idea though, was blur and fuzzy for the rest of the day. And yes, I did thoroughly search around for the emblems which is why it took me quite a while to win it.
The last game I've played is League of Legends on my PC. It's awesome! I'm trying to log into Rift right now, but it just became F2P (Free-to-play) so the queues are enormous. I'm 250 in queue with a 2 hour wait!
It was Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance for Xbox 360. As a Devil May Cry & Bayonetta fan, I can definitely say it was an amazing experience.
HoN (Heroes of Newerth). Damn I can't ever get tired of that game, absolutely the ever and only good MoBA that was produced. Zero bullshit and just pure rage, haha.
The last game I played was Battle Field 3 on the Playstation 3 along with my friends, 4 of them if I remember. But, this was just a normal game, we were all together in a room (LAN) and playing on the same team! 

You could say that we were owning real hard because we went 50-23! 