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Played some Resident Evil 2 Remake PC version hardcore difficulty with reshade shaders mod . Recorded some cutscenes and gameplays:
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When you first encountered a Licker in the RE 2 remake, did you exploit its blindness and snuck pass it by walking really slow(like what I did in my recorded gameplay below) or did you fight/kill it @IntoxNitram ?

Recorded My Boss Battle 1, Resident Evil 2 Remake, PC with reshade:
Think I wasn't expecting it and it heard me running so had to kill it, but used the stealth approach after that :)

Nice, being stealthy is fun, though kinda sad that the "scary" licker is quite dumb lol. Hunter B.O.W from RE1 is better imo.
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare (ps4) [yesterday, 12/27/2019]

today, Final Fantasy XV (ps4)
Played a story CAS (Close Air Support) Mission in my F-14B Tomcat, DCS. Providing Close Air Support for Bravo Company convoy on the ground, bombing targets on the ground using GBU laser guided bombs, Commandos "Hitman" team on the ground lasing the targets. Pretty fun mission. Recorded parts of my mission play:
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