Last Game Played

It's taking me a few mins during the day and around 30 seconds during the evening to start a match as a killer.
Okay cool, I'll take another look. I bought the "Ghost Face" killer but haven't played him yet. hehe
FF dissidia NT.
Jurassic Evolution on Steam.
Killer Instinct on the Xbox One.
Started Replaying the old Prince of Persia Game with high resolution textures, PC Version, did a quick recording of my gameplay. Game is still fun to play.
Can't remember. lol
Trails Of Cold Steel III New Game Plus mode, just got the Knight Master Card.
rushing through it aren't you?

Nope playing it nice and slow like talking to eveybody and running around looking for sidequests lol. The errand instructor Rean.
Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon on the 3DS

I usually keep the 3DS on the night stand next to my bed so it's easy to reach over there and grab it when I want to play a little bit before bed.