last movie you saw?

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I last watched a movie called "Control", it's a movie based on the life of joy Division singer Ian Curtis. Very well made, i'd highly recommend it. :)
The last movie I saw is John Carter. I love this movie and if you guys love the adventure and fantasy too, you`ll like it too.
The last movie I watch was called "The Hussle". It was about people hustling to make ends meets, this movie is a comedy. I thought this movie was ok, I could of use more punch lines as well as more money scenes. Overall, I would have to give this movie a 7 because it has a lot of well known cast members as well as comedians. The best part I liked was when they were in a clients house killing roaches and while he's trying to spray the roaches one got on his hand and he's started screaming.
The last movie I saw in theatres was Wrath Of The Titans, and it was great. However, I must say that I enjoyed Clash Of The Titans more. The next few movie I want to see is Spiderman III, MIB III and I haven't seen Avengers Assemble yet.
Saw Avengers and it was really an awesome movie! I would rate it 10/10
Best performance was that of Hulk!! :D

I also watched The Women In Black, I really love horror movies and this one was really good!
The plot was really scare :)
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