Lockdown restrictions

That's a good idea.
But punishment might not make people stop having those big parties altogether. They will try to be sneaky....

The parties would probably wont have as many guests after the government start punishing people with expensive fines for partying during the Coronavirus outbreak.

I think sneaky parties won't be as fun because the party need to be more quiet to avoid the police catching party guests, so fewer people will attend large parties.
I can believe that there are people that are stupid enough to steal now that they have an excuse to wear a mask covering up their face. I normally wear a mask when I go out in public but I don't mind taking my mask off when asked, like if I go to the bank or something like that.

honestly, I haven't seen as many stories as I thought I would.
@Demon_Skeith There are thieves coming into the place I work but that's always been a problem. However, with everyone having to wear a mask now, you it's much harder to identify the people stealing because their face is covered up.
@Demon_Skeith There are thieves coming into the place I work but that's always been a problem. However, with everyone having to wear a mask now, you it's much harder to identify the people stealing because their face is covered up.

one of my GM's main points when masks became mandatory. And constant conference calls keeps him off the floor to track would be thieves which makes him mad.