Don't worry Dev, you're not a nerd in my eyes... you're a sex machine! Okay, maybe not that, but still, having an average haircut is haaawwwt.Not too short and not too long. I like being a Nerd/Dork/Geek/Whatever other words you can think of
Don't worry Dev, you're not a nerd in my eyes... you're a sex machine! Okay, maybe not that, but still, having an average haircut is haaawwwt.Not too short and not too long. I like being a Nerd/Dork/Geek/Whatever other words you can think of
No option for me in the poll. Its past my eyebrows, but not very long.
Same for me.
See, I never had the luck of being able to style hair quickly when I had my pixie cut. I always ended up taking forever because I never quite mastered that 'scene' look. Well, 'scene' was hip before 'emo', and now the trend is 'hipster'. Uhgg, I hate trends--now I don't even try to follow them and just wear whatever the heck I want and is also comfortable. @_@!Though my hair is long, I voted for short... since that's how I like it. Either way, it's difficult to maintain. When it's long, it constantly needs brushing and styling is very difficult. When it's short, it constantly needs to be trim in order to remain neat-looking. But, I love that, with short hair, you can just roll out of bed and throw some gel or glue in it, and voila! Trendy, awesome hair.![]()
Oi, you lucky shifty-eyed NintenDan! >:0!My hair's lucky if I can even be bothered to comb it, let alone wash it. BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Okay, obviously I do wash it, but I seriously don't comb it. I don't even own a comb.