Looking forward to a future contest

This still isn't that good of an idea, if its a 20 dollar game it probably sucks.
So because it's cheap it's bad? Bowser, that is probably the stupidest thing you have ever said.

Knowing Sony a lot of those types of games are bad.

@AIDS- this community doesn't have many members, but out of the members it has lies quality. The contest should be available to all members. This really sounds targeted to only you and GA.
@AIDS- this community doesn't have many members, but out of the members it has lies quality. The contest should be available to all members. This really sounds targeted to only you and GA.

It's impossible to choose a game that is suitable for everyone since there are plenty of different tastes. For example, GA here was surprised that I said Epic Mickey was the worst game I've ever played. What a waste of money. I would not buy that game for $10. lol. Also he was a big Sora fan. For myself, I loved the anime and final fantasy feel of the game but couldn't play it because Disney destroyed it with their wild characters and voices.
We all have different tastes.
The best thing you can do in a contest such as this is to pick the game that will have the highest ratio of popularity.

If there was a contest with Assassins Creed III when it came out I would not have entered. What can you do? I don't like the game but zillions of others do.
It's impossible to choose a game that is suitable for everyone since there are plenty of different tastes. For example, GA here was surprised that I said Epic Mickey was the worst game I've ever played. What a waste of money. I would not buy that game for $10. lol. Also he was a big Sora fan. For myself, I loved the anime and final fantasy feel of the game but couldn't play it because Disney destroyed it with their wild characters and voices.
We all have different tastes.
The best thing you can do in a contest such as this is to pick the game that will have the highest ratio of popularity.

If there was a contest with Assassins Creed III when it came out I would not have entered. What can you do? I don't like the game but zillions of others do.

You're only proving my point more. If we can't pick a suitable game for everyone why do this contest in the first place?
Well thanks for the details, though I don't think I could pick a prize good enough to make people spend $60 for a new game and if we did choose a used game who says the person's store has the game?
Well the difference is its easier to play and we have more valid reasons not to do this.
Like I said, a $20 game. And most games are available at all stores. And Bowser, you don't need to participate anyway, just like how I don't during arcade contests, nor do most of us.
@DS Like I said, most. And that's in all 5 GameStop's around me...

@Mori I'd rather not, I don't have a computer. lol