March Contest Results

congratz to the winners. :happy:
I hope you all learned spamming is bad. :P

Also, I dropped out but how did Grey beat me, lol.
GracefulAssassin said:
^HA. That's what you get for being a sore loser. >_>
I don't know where you're getting the idea I'm so upset, I've gotten $30 from a contest.
Probably not gonna make the best of friends with this, and I know it's a forum contest, but there has to be some morale involved, especially when it comes to staff members participating in a contest that SHOULD promote genuine activity, but instead is a race to see who can post ... basically nothing worthwhile.

When I see something like the attached pic below, it drives me away from a forum. ( 8 posts in the spam of 4 minutes, others bumping from back in Jan, Feb with nothing to actually add to the discussion that warrants it's bump)  Generic thoughtless posts spammed in my favorite section of the site for the sake of winning a contest.  Man. DS, we go way back, but I can't stand to see how some just take advanage of what you're really trying to achieve here.  Can I spam, yes.  Can I win any contest you hold, absolutely.  But I don't feel the need to.  Sometimes I join contests just to help build awareness, but silently lay back so someone else less fortunate has a shot.  Man, if I won a contest offering a game valued at $60, I could never ask for it, maybe I'm too humble, at the most I'd take a $20 eShop card ... but that's just me.  No way I'd feel like I deserved a prize like that at the extent to how it was achieved.  But, that's just me ranting on the situation from what I've read here, and nothing meant towards you, I know more than most how dedicated you are to this site and how long and hard you've worked.

Oh, and congratulations to the winners.


  • GFspam.png
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^I see where you are coming from, and you bring up good points, but I just wanted to bring up the Wii U contest, which you also participated in. There's a big difference between a $60 game and a $350 console.
I'll say it again Hcf, this was a one time contest. I kind of screwed up the last contest and this contest was mostly for fun which I enjoy a lot of the replies. I clean up a lot of their posts and made the forum neat again. Now it's business as usual.
GracefulAssassin said:
^I see where you are coming from, and you bring up good points, but I just wanted to bring up the Wii U contest, which you also participated in. There's a big difference between a $60 game and a $350 console.
I'm over it now, was just kinda ticked when I went into the Nin Section and seen the bump of old topics and one member as the last replier straight down the list in the span of about 10 minutes. lol

But, just to respond, I already had my WiiU and 2 games prepaid for before it was released [WiiU ID Exchange ...I made that topic the day, or day after WiiU was released.  I took part in the contest for 1 day ( got about 4-5 numbers), then went back as a regular member posting. I would have never even let DS buy me a console lol, maybe a game, which I would have considered a substantial trade off.  

Sorry if I over reacted and cause any animosity towards me, I just got ticked when viewing the section today and knew the cause of it and came straight here to vent it out :D
My 147 posts didn't even get a passing mention in the OP. :'( Hoooooh well.

Congrats Mori. I'm not going to criticise how you played because Demon considers all your posts to be legitimate then I'll take his word.

I will, however, agree with HCF that this was a terrible contest. It wasn't even the pointless posts that got to me but it was the fact that I actually saw the ugly side of various members this month, people who say they're main motivation was this contest. I can't help but wonder if they'd bothered to step back and think about what they were writing then things may have gone differently.

I guess we can all take this as a learning experience.

But Demon, seriously, don't ever do this again. It was simply not worth it. We could have collectively reached 100,000 posts through proper posting and not rushed there with questionable, worrisome messages.

Just my two cents.