For those who like sports anime, I would highly recommend: kuroko no basket, haikyuu, yuwamushi pedal, one outs, diamond no ace and dive. And for my all time favorite like slam dunk, hajime no ippo, capeta, prince of tennis and eyeshield 21.
I have watched most of them. Well, I have been planning to watch yowamushi pedal. I will have to get around to it sometime. The same goes to dive, capeta and eyeshield21. As for hajime no ippo, i dropped it.@Claraviolet will like this.
Actually, I like romance in anime. With a mix of action and drama, it's a great combination.
Still, Kokoro Connect focuses more on the drama than the romance. You always want to see what happens next, >_>
Tbh having a Shonen section makes it confusing and inconsistent. Even ignoring the lack of substantial meaning it has, having the section, and having stereotypical shows not listed under it makes it confusing.
Just a tip for cleaning it up if you ever plan on updating the list.
It's a really interesting list. I have seen many of those anime (especially the shounen). I would like to suggest Mahou Tsukai no Yome (The Ancient Magus' Bride). It's a fantasy shounen but not quite, I mean it's different from the typical shounen (fights and action-packed) and it has romance but it's... kind of weird. I love the animation and the colors of the background (so bright and colorful).
Also, Boku no Hero Academia is an entertaining shounen.