PS5 Meanwhile on Ebay for PS5


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Hot damn those scalpers don't waste time do they?
People are starting to bid stupid amounts on these auctions now to annoy these resellers.
There was a listing for a paper PS5 on eBay or another platform recently as well lol. Literally said in the description that it was a piece of paper with the word PS5 written on it
I hate those kind of people.
They've spend whole day refreshing that page and buying more than a few PS5 just in order to make double that amount by selling it to desperate people.
I hate those kind of people.
They've spend whole day refreshing that page and buying more than a few PS5 just in order to make double that amount by selling it to desperate people.

A quick fix for that is don't buy day one, specially since there is very little reason to do so besides bragging rights.
Tbh scalping game consoles is a ticking time bomb. You have a limited amount of time to actually sell it for crazy amounts before they are regularly available in stores.
I can understand people wanting it day one (I do not count among them tho) but reselling PS5 for double or 10x its value is pure malice.
It's exploiting people.
I can understand people wanting it day one (I do not count among them tho) but reselling PS5 for double or 10x its value is pure malice.
It's exploiting people.
It’s definitely shitty, but luckily EBay has been pulling many down because of ToS violations (gotta ship it within 30 days), and honestly, only a single digit percent of scalpers will actually make money off of this.

When you flood the market with $2000+ listings, you’re actually doing the opposite of making money. You’re only appealing to people with deep pockets and no common sense with spending. The vast majority of scalpers will barely make any profit, if any, or sell it for less than what they paid for. This happens every console gen.

Remember, just because you can list it for $2000 doesn’t mean people are paying $2000.
terrible, just terrible. . . I'll wait a few months after release to just get one at the store.
It’s definitely shitty, but luckily EBay has been pulling many down because of ToS violations (gotta ship it within 30 days), and honestly, only a single digit percent of scalpers will actually make money off of this.

When you flood the market with $2000+ listings, you’re actually doing the opposite of making money. You’re only appealing to people with deep pockets and no common sense with spending. The vast majority of scalpers will barely make any profit, if any, or sell it for less than what they paid for. This happens every console gen.

Remember, just because you can list it for $2000 doesn’t mean people are paying $2000.

I know some buy to see if they sell it for much, if they don't they get to keep the console and use it.
whoa, thats way too much! just for a console.... just a bad idea to resell the console in this fashion
Wow, they are really milking people with those prices. Even officially they don't cost that much. It's insane but I suppose due to production people will try their best.