Member of the month

How often do one of us get referrals though? In the many years I've been here, I have yet to get one referral. lol
Good point. DS, advertise more. :p

If you got time to tell me to advertise you can go advertise yourself.

We should help him advertise :p I post a few links on Yahoo Answers now and then.

Any help is appreciated, there is only so much I can do.

And advance usergroups don't need to make posts to play in the arcade.

So anyways lets wrap this up, what should be the requirements for member of the month?

being a dedicated member of the fourm

Anything else?
I'm not really good with advertising... Well, I am, but... Meh.

Posts, hours on, referrals, high scores (MAYBE)... I don't know what else. lol
Here is how we will decide member of the month:

In the last ten days of every month, I will open up a topic where one member can submit the name of another member (not your own) who should be member of the month. To submit the name, the user must meet 2 requirements. The requirements:

Activity (posts and being online)
Support (making dedicated topics that helps the forum or contains good video game info.)
advertising (promote the forum)
games (active in the arcade or post videos on your video game play)
contribute (make stuff for other users or give them things)
referrals (prove you had people join the forum and make posts)
Unique (do something that others can't.)

Topic will be open 7 days and in the last 3 days, if needed we will vote for someone to be member of the month if their achievements do not out shine the others. Staff will choose if their achievements out rank others.

Any complaints?