Member of the month

Doubt it. By the pace we're going at, we averaging a post per post basis. Your lead will only be until I can reply to other topics, then we'd end up about even.
Unless I post something that can;t be responded to. Plus I'll just respond to you.

Also, I think MotM should post more than 100 a month. I know I post way more than that monthly.
Doubt it, it's too late for that now. Maybe for March. And maybe we should also put a vote in too. On PS3T, they have a vote based system.
It will just be a popularity contest then... Trust me at my other forum we have yearly awards and it's always based on popularity.
Well I don't think we have that many people that worthy to win it, thus making it possible to win multiple times.
Eh... I'm only on one other forum, which is PS3T, which I like, the staff is shit. I do not like them at all, and one of the admins caused a site meltdown, and it reset EVERYTHING because he got drunk and was an idiot. Lots of people leave the site because of the staff being not good at being staff.
While the staff sucks, I like most of the regular active members. Good people on there, and I only stay for them.