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Memento Mori said:Well there are exceptions to everything. I personally would also have preferred a super fast gaming PC to a PS2 when I was younger. But I think you would agree that people like that are the minority.
Back when I studied in a France, in a class of 35, only like 3 were interested in things like moding games, making their own websites, or even PC gaming. The others, while they did have good PCs, only used them for things like facebook, youtube videos or downloading stuff. And unless I'm wrong, its probably the case everywhere. Even here in Mauritius, I have to go to the science side class to talk about PC gaming and stuff, cause no one in my class (economics side) was interested in these things.
I wonder if many of my friends being Asian, or interested in Asian culture like anime could be one of the reasons PCs, and PC gaming was such a big part of chats. I remember a lot of them talking about Starcraft, Diablo, Warcraft, and many other PC games. Even online, a lot of young people I met on an online Asian Radio station chat room talked about Maplestory, Gunbound, and other free to play asian MMORPG from South Korea.
I read that PC gaming is huge in places like China, and South Korea where many people enjoy playing MMORPG like World of Warcraft and Real Time Strategy games like Starcraft which are not very good on consoles because a lot of RTS, and MMORPG games are about pushing a lot of keyboard and mouse buttons, and moving a mouse very quickly to move characters, cast spells, and perform fast actions by quickly hiting a lot of keyboard buttons at once instead of just 2-4 at a time like console controllers where you can just hit up to 4 buttons quickly at once.
Anyways, I feel kids these days also want to be content creators since you say they do things like Facebook, YouTube, and downloading stuff.
A lot of kids also want to make videos, and Internet meme images to post on Facebook, and YouTube, and having a Fast PC certainly helps even with making simpler videos like Music Videos, Video Blogs, and 2D animation to post on YouTube, and Facebook.
Screen recording console, and PC games are also one of the most popular video categories on YouTube since a lot of gamers like making video walkthroughs for games, or share their game achievements like beating a game boss on YouTube.
A Fast PC also helps with recording PC Games on High settings with software like Fraps.