Seriously though, Pikachu is everywhere. It was the one Pokemon selected as the poster child of the franchise and has made it so even grandmothers know that when they see an image of "that cute yellow rat", they know it is a Pokemon. Another thing that really irritates me about Pikachu being overrated is that in college, a lot of my peers claim to love Pokemon, but don't know more than 3-5 Pokemon names to save their lives and they plaster Pikachu pictures all over their Facebook. I guess I jut view it as a cop out for people who pose to be 'gamers' but don't actually know anything about the game they claim to love. Don't get me wrong, I love Pikachu (and happen to have a Pikachu plushy and Charizard plushy in my car) but I just find it incredibly annoying to see girls and guys jumping on the bandwagon of "omgz I luv pokiemans huk huk" and then posting copious amounts of Pikachu on their Facebooks as a status symbol of some sort. Sorry for the rant. :s
Master Chief. Master Chief is an amazing character who I really like but people seem to like him for the wrong reasons and spread him way too much and get too attached. It's gotten to the point where some people thing Halo without MC isn't Halo. People actually managed to hate ODST just because MC wasn't in it. I don't think they're true fans. But are more of fans than the people who just played Halo for multiplayer.