NC's New Question Of The Day #38 - Animals


And here we are!
Full GL Member
#38 - Animals

Heya, members! Today's Question of the Day wasn't really based off of anything (unless the top of my head counts) but as random as it is, I think today is going to be a good one =^w^=

There's not much to say about today's Q.O.T.D really. I've just been up all morning watching Smallville on and off and I just remembered that a question was due, so...

Today's Question(s) of the Day is (are) ... Shorts, Sweat pants (or tracksuit bottoms)or Jeans? Yeah, it's... 05:15, I'm kinda' tired...

(*) - Why don't you ask ME questions and I'll answer them in the next Q.O.T.D! All you have to do, is ask me what ever question you would like to ask me using a visitor message in my profile or a personal message, however I can only chose one, so ask good ones! But if not, I'll just tell more storys in the next Q.O.T.D.

Black=Q.O.T.D Number

Argh... it's time for a f-g nap... catch you guys later!
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How do Animals have to do with leg wear?

Anyways, I'll answer both the best I can.

I 3 cats and a dog. The dog stays with me in my room while the cats have free roam of the house/apartment. I prefer dogs over cats.

As for leg wear, I prefer Blue Jeans over all. Only shorts I wear are my swimming trunks when I go to a pool or river.
My animals are 5 kittys
1 dog,and 1 Buoy(a more amazing version of a dog)

as for clothes,I usually wear Jeans,I wear shorts moe in the summer though.
I have no pets.... unless you count a bird nest on my house...

Jeans.... 'nuff said. And if you get too hot in them you can take them off! See! It's a win win!
This question is somewhat difficult as my clothing has to do with weather, temperature, and place (work/out with friends).

I think if I had to pick one thing I wear on a regular basis though to any event (work or with friends) it would be a dress or skirt (sometimes with leggings or tights). I like shorts but they have to be either gym shorts or daisy duke-esque, anything in between annoys me. As for pants, I love my skinny leg jeans and I have to admit, I pretty much live in them when the weather is icky outside. Also, pajama pants are pretty rad. I love lounging in my PJs. :]
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Jeans when I go out or to hang with friends, Shorts at night or when I'm hanging around the house being a lazy guy. I mean stuff like basketball/gym shorts (not the tight kind, lol). Hm, i Guess that's it..nothing special.
I'm a shorts guy, but only if the shorts are at or past my knees.

And I have two dogs (well, my parents do). One is named Jake, an English Springer Spaniel, and lives with my mum. The other is also named Jake, a black Lab, and lives with me dad.
I usually wear jeans or those baize pants. Unfortunately they are uncomfortable to sleep in so I must change into shorts.
Jeans. Always. I haven't worn shorts voluntarily in over five years, and i haven't worn them at all for about 21 months.
And I have two dogs (well, my parents do). One is named Jake, an English Springer Spaniel, and lives with my mum. The other is also named Jake, a black Lab, and lives with me dad.
Two dogs with the same name? I think that is kind of awesome. You also get a huge thumbs up for a baby black lab. I love black and chocolate labs. I love many types of dogs but labs are nearly the highest on my list. Next to greyhounds of course (my family had a rescue greyhound, they are amazing). :]
None of the above! I like to got to the mall in the nude Baby!!! Nothing gives you room for you package to breath like the nude. Plus it gets the ladies looking

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