Need friend codes for Swapnote and Animal Crossing: New Leaf!

JSN111 and Mikewazowskay, I have added you both :3

I am so unhappy right now, everyone seems to be playing Animal Crossing, and I'm still waiting for it to be released in the UK! *cries in the corner*

Thanks for the add! I'll be sure you add you ASAP! I'm not home right now, so it's a guaranteed add just letting you know!
I added yah! My fc is: 2363-6113-2469

i have Luigi's Mansion Dark Moon, MK7, Adventure Time (had other games but got rid of them xD)

Im getting Animal Crossing when it releases! CAN'T WAIT!! :3

I added you! :) add me: 2062-9559-4031
Hopefully you still got room for one more friend? We share similar interest in games so I'm sure we'll be playing together really soon!

It would be very much appreciated if you notify me that you've added me, haha THANKYOU!

FC: 5069-5056-1739

I added you! :) add me back? 2062-9559-4031
JSN111 and Mikewazowskay, I have added you both :3

I am so unhappy right now, everyone seems to be playing Animal Crossing, and I'm still waiting for it to be released in the UK! *cries in the corner*

Thanks for the add! I'll be sure you add you ASAP! I'm not home right now, so it's a guaranteed add just letting you know!

Oh, you've already added me :P
JSN111 and Mikewazowskay, I have added you both :3

I am so unhappy right now, everyone seems to be playing Animal Crossing, and I'm still waiting for it to be released in the UK! *cries in the corner*

Thanks for the add! I'll be sure you add you ASAP! I'm not home right now, so it's a guaranteed add just letting you know!

Oh, you've already added me :p

i added u,add me back we can play animal crossing and kid icarus together when u get them
JSN111 and Mikewazowskay, I have added you both :3

I am so unhappy right now, everyone seems to be playing Animal Crossing, and I'm still waiting for it to be released in the UK! *cries in the corner*

Thanks for the add! I'll be sure you add you ASAP! I'm not home right now, so it's a guaranteed add just letting you know!

Oh, you've already added me :p

i added u,add me back we can play animal crossing and kid icarus together when u get them

I've added you now :3 Ooo, I should have AC tomorrow so I can start playing then! :D
Hi my names Lauren! :p

My friend code is: 0576-4386-1966

I'm kinda new to this so I may not fully understand what you say or tell me to do, but please don't get mad at me. :/

I would like to make friends :) and am interested in Swapnote.

I added brad please add me back!

Thanks :)
Hey I'm Marcus! My FC is 0834-1407-6060

I play New Leaf and Mario Kart 7