Netflix's Live Action One Piece


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That's unfortunate. Movie productions I'm sure are trying to capitalize on the interest of fans - so much work and personnel are involved in the making of film, it's always a bummer to see some don't make a splash in the box office or streaming ranks.
Read from CBR, Jamie Lee Curtis is a One Piece fan:

Jamie Lee Curtis wants to appear in Netflix's new live-action One Piece series.

She wants to play a part in the new reboot of Eiichiro Oda's beloved pirate manga. Curtis told hosts Emily Uribe and Juju Green that ideally, she would want to portray Nico Robin in the series, but now she thinks she may be too old for that role. Instead, she thinks she should play the role of Kureha, whom Curtis describes as "wizened old crone lady." The character is the mentor of Tony Tony Chopper, whom the star says is her favorite character. The Golden Globe-winning actor also revealed that she is friends with Brina Palencia, the actor who provides Chopper's English voice in the dub of the anime.

Curtis' daughter, Ruby Guest, previously appeared on a One Piece podcast, where she discussed her mother's One Piece fandom. "My mom loves Kureha. I would be 100% for it and I honestly, since Netflix is doing the live-action adaptation, I would highly recommend her to pull some strings to see if she can," Guest said.
Set trailer:
It flopped with test screening, read from CBR:

The hype for Netflix's live-action One Piece adaptation has taken a hit after its first test screening.

According to Twitter account Divinity Seeker, a well-known Hollywood news outlet, viewers responded poorly to the private unveiling of the highly-anticipated series, citing poor CGI quality and confusing plotting as primary issues. Audience members who were not fans of the original One Piece series were apparently unable to grasp the story. At the same time, those familiar with the source material found themselves just as confused by the adaptation's changes to it. A notable deviation is the introduction of the show's central characters, with Zoro, Nami, Usopp and Sanji all supposedly introduced in the last 15 minutes of the pilot, while the anime took 20 episodes to reach this same point. Another complaint was the erratic tone of the adaptation, which jumped between ridiculously goofy and incredibly serious in a jarring fashion.
