New Omicron Covid-19 strain


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Nation leaders and health experts are scrambling to contain and research the newly discovered Covid-19 strain from Southern Africa.

President Biden announced the US will be joining other nations like the UK and Japan in banning flights from South Africa and surrounding nations. This will only apply to non-US citizens. The strain has already been found in other areas, like Israel, Belgium and Hong Kong. However there are no signs it is in the US.

The strain, dubbed "Omicron" by scientists has been designated a variant of concern due to its large amount of mutations. According to initial studies this is likely the most mutated variant of Covid-19 discovered so far.

According to Doctor Anthony Fauci, while research is still ongoing they've seen the strain is more transmissible than first thought.

"They're seeing that its more widespread in South Africa than was originally felt a couple of days ago," he said to CNN. "So it's in a fluid motion. We're finding more about it. And literally it's something that in real time, we're learning more and more about."

Many of the mutations affect the spike protein in Covid-19 which is the part most of the vaccines target. This has led many to worry the new variant is both more transmissible than others and resistant to current vaccines.

None of this is for sure yet however. Scientists are still doing research and say we likely won't know for sure how the Omicron strain is affected by current treatments until weeks from now.

Health officials stress that masking and social distancing continues to be one of the most effective ways to avoid transmission of all Covid-19 variants.

I hope Omicron strain does not spread to many countries, and cause a lot of sickness.

At least, there is not currently a shortage of face mask, face shield, protective glove and hand sanitizer shortage like last year when Covid19 lockdown started, so more people can protect themselves from Covid by wearing protective gear.
They should have called it Unicron instead of Omicron lol
The moment I heard the name, the only thing I could think of was Futurama. There is a planet called Omicron Persei 8 lol

Don't anger the Transformer fans.
It's sounds more like the Omintrix from Ben 10 lol but yeah I do hope it does not spreads and gets serious like before things close etc
Hopefully, the current's world government and vaccine maker can come up with a new vaccine for Omicron if one is needed to stop the spread of Omicron, so it does not spread all over South Africa, Africa and the rest of the world.
We're starting to get a lot of cases of the Omicron strain as well. I think we're up to 104 people so far which isn't too bad but I would presume it's going to spread fast. Doubt it will impact Christmas much though other than people being asked to wear masks
I read on tv news that we need to get a 3rd-booster shot, and limit the amount of people at indoor parties because of Covid19's Delta and Omicron strains.

Hopefully, hospitals, senior homes, schools, and other places don't get a lot of Covid infections like last year.
We're starting to get a lot of cases of the Omicron strain as well. I think we're up to 104 people so far which isn't too bad but I would presume it's going to spread fast. Doubt it will impact Christmas much though other than people being asked to wear masks

sure to be the start for another lockdown of the UK ^^;
Hard to say. The current government is not overly popular right now both for covid and non-covid reasons. The last thing they would want to do is push for another lockdown. Not sure they can afford one either.
Yikes, no good. So Ash Ash when is that next lockdown?

I agree it is not good. I feel there will be more people getting sick, and dying from Omicron, or there maybe more than one Omicron death which is not reported yet.

There has been some restrictions which are making a comeback like wearing masks on buses, and social distancing like "no large indoor parties" where I live.
I am simply tired of hearing all sort of covid19 vibrant. It seems that the disease is set to last forever or what. It's a shame that no lasting solution have been found to remedy all covid19 related diseases be it omicron or whatever.
There’s talk that we need to get 1 or two more booster shots since the vaccine is much less effective against it.