E3 Next Tales Game Is Tales Of Arise

Tales Of Cooking Show lol:
Damn, that school set is-errr I mean yes, that beach set is awesome :p
lol just "hog" them both

I am disappointed with Shionne's warring states costume, Shionne needs a much more sexier Kunoichi PLOT outfit!
Saw another gameplay video from niconico lifestream, recorded by twinfinite:
Read a fan prediction on the story:
  • Alphen is a Dahna-Rene hybrid, specifically a Rene-royalty which is why he had his mind wiped and his "curse" is the inability to feel pain, much like how Shionne's curse is to cause pain to all who touch her.
  • Speaking of Alphen losing his memory, this will be due to him being the legitimate heir to Rene's throne and Shionne's father/mother wanted to prevent it. Shionne's mission on Dahna was not only to escape but also to find this heir.
  • Rene in-fighting turns out is nothing new and their history is mad bloody. It has led to them being forsaken by their celestial deity in favor of Dahna which is why the enslavement took place 300 years ago.
  • The solution to all these problems is for Alphen and Shionne to produce an heir which will be a source of constant teasing (and potential awkward flirting on her part) in the later half of the game. The Rene "knight" will strongly oppose because he/she is Shionne's childhood friend and will feel like they're being shafted /partial-joking.
  • End of the game will result in the two worlds merging and the big reveal is that the Rene celtial deity is Lorelai and Arise is actually the very, very long prequel to Abyss /full-joke.
And saw a new pic:
Saw this pic three winged angels lol:
Read another fan prediction on this pic:

Probably someone tried to kill Shionne and Alphen took the blow instead. Either that or using the sword is doing him more harm than she can heal. His mask is broken in half and the base of the neck clothing suggests it is at a point after he gains his armour.

And another fan predictions:

There are eight playable characters, two are temp members. One turns traitor and possibly dies, either by the party or a antagonist, and the other dies protecting the party somehow.

One of the party members will be a anthropomorphic beastman or even beastwoman.

If Arise isn't connected to Zestiria and Berseria storywise the cameo battle(s) is versus some combination of Sorey, Mikleo, Velvet and Laphicet / Eizen.

The two planets Rena and Dhana will be explorable, but some catastrophe will befall one or both of them, making previous locations no longer accessible. One might even be completely destroyed. There may even be a third planet or some sort of dimension between the two.

Alphen has some special power that was hidden or even sealed within him and it appears like some sort of power that lets him manipulate elements and possibly elemental spirits like summoners or the shepherds. A mark, brand, etc. that should be the giveaway is somewhere on his body, most likely on the right side of his face beneath his mask. This power inhabiting him is what suppresses his pain and possibly his free will and memories.

Shionne develops romantic feelings for Alphen. Law is attracted Rinwell, but Rinwell is annoyed by him, at least for a decent portion of the game.