E3 Next Tales Game Is Tales Of Arise

True indeed, darker gamma.

I played around with code vein UE4's texture streaming in the engine.ini file, I am quite satisfied with making the textures all loaded up instead of streaming:

r.Streaming.MipBias=-15 ;
r.MipMapLodBias=-15 ;
r.SkeletalMeshLODBias=-2 ; increase character LOD
r.Streaming.PoolSize=0 ; pool size unlimited

r.Streaming.MaxTempMemoryAllowed=2024 ;
r.Streaming.HiddenPrimitiveScale=1 ; assets at full resolution
r.Streaming.UseAllMips=1 ; remove any resolution requirements for mips


r.Streaming.FullyLoadUsedTextures=1 ; game default = 0
r.Streaming.HLODStrategy=2 ; forces all LOD mips to be loaded

what kind of coding is that?
seems easier than java?

Java is more user friendly than c and c++, c and c++ are more down to the metal languages though not assembly level core metal language imo.
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saw a Shionne fan art with her trusty rifle:
The Producer of the game just posted this:


"As you may have already seen in media stories and on our social media channels, we have made the decision to delay the launch timing of Tales of Arise, the latest title in the Tales of series.

The goal for Tales of Arise is to provide a familiar but innovative gameplay experience to fans of the series, while pushing the technical envelope to deliver a high level of graphical quality to impress both long-time players and those who have never played a Tales of game. Development on the title has moved steadily forward in 2020 as we overcame challenges along the way.

While COVID-19 has affected some aspects of development, we’ve done our best to adapt to the situation and have implemented remote development capabilities for our team.

However, we will need more time to achieve the quality and provide the gorgeous experience we envision for our players, and therefore we decided to delay the launch timing for Tales of Arise.

A new launch window update will be provided once we have more details to share.

In the meantime, the determination of our development team has not weakened. It is always darkest before the dawn, as illustrated in the [new illustration image]. We hope you will join us as a bring a new Tales of adventure to light.

Feel free to download this image (JPG / PNG) and use it as a reminder for what’s to come for PC background or remote meeting.

Thank you for your patience and support for Tales of Arise and the Tales of series."

Yusuke Tomizawa the producer of Tales of Arise
Game is still nowhere near release date but a hentai doujin of Shionne is already circling around lol:
Saw another fanart:
Game is rated in Australia:

Moderate impact on Themes and Violence
Mild impact on Language
Very Mild impact on Sex, lol very mild PLOT
Read an update from the producer, translated by Siiconera:

"We are preparing for 2021 with the intention to release various information. Development is progressing extremely smoothly, so please be patient while we prepare to release new details. We will prepare a lot of information that Tales of fans all over the world can get excited about."

Tomizawa went on to thank fans for their cooperation on this matter. He also apologized for being unable to reveal more information about Tales of Arise at this current point in time.
Read a little more stuff:
  • More news is coming in the near future.
  • Development is currently in the final stages. The staff is working hard to improve the quality.
  • Recovery from the chaos caused by the COVID-19 pandemic is also underway.
  • Although they are aiming for a level of quality that can be accepted worldwide, the game will not neglect its Japanese fans. They are aiming to create a JRPG that both Japan and the world can be proud of.