I don't have many bad dreams these days. But I used to have a recurring nightmare where the corner of my bed comforter would fold over, grab my head, and drag me underneath my bed to eat me. Om-nom.
It was mainly about there being a murderer in my house and me hiding. Let's say it didn't end to well. Luckily with these nightmares I wake up before anything bad happens. Heh.
I had one several nights ago that my house was haunted. It's hard to remember all the details because you start to lose the dream as soon as you wake up, plus, this was a dream that happened several days ago. I never did find out what was haunting my house though because I woke up before finding out.
I had one a couple days ago, I ended up being awake since 0300. I'm okay now though.
summarized version: I was running away from this strong wind, telling everyone to go inside to their houses. They all claim that its a beautiful day. I hear the sound of steel grinding against each other, and this wind just slices people in half. In the dream, I felt the wind not slice me, but ended up pushing me off a cliff. It turned into a 'falling' type of dream, I fell off my bed and I woke up when I 'landed'.