Nintendo 3DS Ambassador *Fixed* Download Procedure


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I know everyone who qualifies as an Ambassador is excited to download their first batch of games come September 1st. Nintendo has posted the Step by step instructions on how to download the Ambassador games. Hopefully this answers any current or future questions anyone has about the program.

  1. From the Nintendo 3DS HOME menu, select the Nintendo eShop icon.
  2. Scroll left and select "Settings / Other."
    [font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]
  3. Scroll down and select "Your Downloads" to view a list of transactions.
    [font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]
  4. The NES game will be listed here once it is available to download. Tap "Redownload," then "Download."

    [font=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]*The game will now be downloaded to the SD Card.[/font]
The Ambassador Certificate: This certificate can be used to receive updates regarding the Ambassador Program, such as when new titles are available to download. For more information, click here.

I noticed Nintendo updated their download instructions to reflect what we all already figured it out was the right way. So I updated the instructions so there's no longer anymore confusion for those who have yet to download. Sorry about Nintendo's fail. I hope that helps.
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Okay, am I the only one who thinks this seems a bit confusing? Why not something simple like 'you click the e-Shop, if you're an ambassador a link appears to download the software, download'? Three steps, and much less confusing for customers. Dunno why Nintendo didn't think of it.

But thanks for the guide of sorts, I see a lot of people getting confused about his procedure.
Hurray for free games! Thanks for the guide.
You're welcome. As I posted this I was already picturing the confused looks on everyone's face. So pretty much nope, Nin. You're not the only who sees this procedure confusing, in fact many will agree, as do I agree.

It would have been more simple to have a category on the store like you said but in a business stand point I think Nintendo wants to keep the free games from appearing to those not included in the ambassasdor program. Since the games will not make an appearance anytime soon, I think they don't want to have the public confused of their presence. Plus it looks like the opted in adding the games to our download list instead. I guess it's more easier than distributing download codes, considering there isn't any way to redeem a code besides those of the pre-paid kind.
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But they could hide a category based on whether you're an ambassador, right? That should be simple and more conveniant, it works well when you're editing forum templates and coding in PHP.

Their logic is understandable, it just seems like my suggestion would be what, about a line of code?
But they could hide a category based on whether you're an ambassador, right? That should be simple and more conveniant, it works well when you're editing forum templates and coding in PHP.

Their logic is understandable, it just seems like my suggestion would be what, about a line of code?
It's Nintendo. Logic and simplicity, unfortunately, is lacking in their vocabulary.
Wow... Their procedure is causing me a little unnecessary confusion... Thanks for posting the guide tho. It will come in handy come the arrival of Sept 1st!
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I agree that it's unnecessarily complicated...Nin's suggestion would have made much more sense...I'm looking to go into Computer Science, specifically the software/coding aspect, and in the lines and lines of code that make up the E-Shop, adding a tag to make it only available to Ambassadors would be simple, especially as they tagged the systems that qualify. Look for the marker...if present, show it. If not, don't.
I can kind see what they did here though, they just distribute out the games to everybody's account that registered, which logs it in their account activity... so yeah, there you go. Only reason they didn't just add a button is because the 3DS shop interface is actually on the console, and content is the only stuff downloaded from the Internet? So an update would have to update the 3DS shop interface? I dunno, just the only reason I can use to explain why there is no eeezy button to click, heh.
In any case, I'm sure they had their reasons even if it was just to make it easier to implement from their side.

Also, I don't mean to sound rude, but I think you guys are really making it out to be worse than it is. It's a four step process which clearly explains what to do. It's not that bad, nor is it complicated to do.
In any case, I'm sure they had their reasons even if it was just to make it easier to implement from their side.

Also, I don't mean to sound rude, but I think you guys are really making it out to be worse than it is. It's a four step process which clearly explains what to do. It's not that bad, nor is it complicated to do.
Nah, you don't sound rude at all. It's just the amount of extra steps it takes to download multiple games is what gets me.

Once you start downloading it's pretty tedious. If we had the option for multiple downloads then the process would be much more streamline. Unfortunately you have to retrace your steps at least 11 times before you finish downloading them all.
Upon downloading them myself I see your point. I was expecting to be able to download them all at once, or at least not have it put me back at the shop menu. It was a tedious process indeed.

*Sigh* That's what I get for making assumptions.
Well excuuuuse me Princess.

Besides, this isn't exactly a normal situation for downloading games.
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Well er... let's just think... these are virtual console games. You download virtual console games separately.
Well er... let's just think...We were talking about the equivalent of download managers, what many video game services like XBL, PSN, Steam, etc offer as a standard feature nowadays.

Well excuuuuse me Princess x2.
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Er... I was referring to the fact that ROB assumed you'd download them all at once, despite the fact that you've always had to download VC titles separately.