NNID Friend Swap


N3DS Community Ghost Gym Leader
Do we seriously not have one of these yet? Anywho, here is a topic to post your Nintendo Network IDs so we can be a big happy community on the Wii U.

I am SpoonySage (duh). Anyone else want an add? Please use this area just for posting NNIDs; other posts will be deleted. Do NOT make new topics for NNIDs or they will be treated as friend code spam.

PLEASE REMEMBER: You cannot add any friends at all until you set up your friend list by clicking on the Home button and then on Friend List. I only say this because several of you appear to have not done this yet.
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I hope nobody take their hands on Kirby Z, or there will be hell. Can we use underscores on the names?
I have a wii U but i dont want all this swapnote spam (which they should have likely)so ill add 2 people then im done
To pin or not to pin? I think I'll pin. Or maybe make a new one that's a bit more organised, who knows. For now, pin.

EDIT: lol, it's already pinned. My job here is done. </unecessarypost>
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Why does this have so many little replies?! Anyway, my NNID is CSAleks. :p I'm willing to accept people.
Going to try to add several of you tonight! Also, in regards to organization, I COULD copy everyone's NNID to the first post... but that would eventually take a lot of work. I think the only other major organization thingy to be done here would be for people to mention what kind of games they own.

For example, I have been playing ZombiU quite a bit lately, so if you add me you will get to kill me pretty much every other day. Cause I die a LOT.

*Dies during post because he didn't pause the game.
ID is Shadoo. PM me if you've added me, if i don't reply i will tomorrow.
Kirby_Z is the name and KirbyZ my NNID ^_^ add me and PM me. I will be adding all of you tonight ^_^

Edit: All added
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mine is in my sig