Nvidia’s Shield Tablet is back on sale — at a much-reduced price


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Nvidia has put the tablet back on sale and given the base model a whopping price cut, from $299 to $199 for the 16GB flavor. At that price, the Shield Tablet is a steal, considering its overall performance, build quality, and features. Even better, this new version seems to fix the nagging touch-screen issues that were widely reported on Shield 1.0.

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$199 is a good price for the Nvidia Shield Tablet.
Getting to a affordable price for everyone.
The Nvidia Shield is a nice gift for mothers, and family, and friends because the Shield tablet is very powerful, and it has support for its wireless gamepad controller which looks very nice for gaming with.

It has a MicroSD Card as well, so it can hold a lot of data when you install a 64GB or bigger MicroSD Memory card.