[old]General Edge Gamer Chat

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Demon_Skeith said:
I wish it was that, but I stutter and lock up not able to really say what I'm thinking.
Happens with me.
Demon_Skeith said:
can't tell you how badly college speech class sucked so hard.
That would be the worst thing ever. D:

Still havent presented my 10 minute presentation yet. Been lucky so far, but I'll most likely have to present tomorrow. Names are being picked out of a hat. 
Didn't get to present today either, I'm one of only three people left. :/ So I'm defnitely presenting tomorrow, if somehow I don't get chosen I will volunteer myself because I have another 10 minute presentation friday (I am going 3rd for this one) and I don't want 2 on the same day.
Demon_Skeith said:
That sucks even worse. I hate to get up but I always want to go second or third so I can be done with it.
I feel the same way as you do.
Demon_Skeith said:
in college you'll have 10 presentations :p
I've probably had more than that during the year. These three are worse though because they're a part of the ISU which means it's worth more. 

And 2 down, one to go! I think I did pretty well with todays presentation. It was way over the 10 minutes. 
Weather is weird here.. no hot weather, no sun.. only cold weather, wind and rain. Really weird. One cool thing.. beaches are empty.

How's the week guys? Are you having fun?
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