Only One Console for all of Gaming


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I'm going to piggyback on this kotaku article about there only being one game console for all gamers.

Right now the best that could happen to the Game industry (just hypothetically speaking) would be a "band together" of the 3 big M N S. there are several reason why this benefits both gamers, the industry, and the companies themselves.

Making all the 3 companies work together means there will be only 1 Console. with the best from all the companies,

From Sony: The Blu Ray technology.

From Microsoft: The Online Service.

From Nintendo: Their share of the market that is composed of Casual Players.

This will also benefits Developers.

-They license cost will be down from 2 or 3 consoles to just 1.

-There will be no problems with ports or compatibilities.

And gamers.

-End of the console wars.

-We would enjoy of the exclusives special for those who will benefits from 1st Party line Games like Nintendo games.

I personally would be happy for this. I really don't have the time or money to spend on three different consoles, and having three has kept me from fully experiencing games like halo or zelda skyward sword.

Though this is most likely never to happen, would you like it?
But why do you feel the need to own all three consoles? I recently bought a PS3 and it's great. I have no urge to buy a Wii or an xbox.
Each console has something different to offer, specifically exclusives. And I would hate this. It would cause a monopoly, and they would charge it at like $1000, and people would definitely buy it, but that means it could also go up in price. This is why monopoly sucks.
I think you have the same amount of time to play games if you have 3 consoles vs. 1 Mega console with everything since you can only play one console at a time, and it would mean you have 3 times the games to play on one console. Having 1 console does not really give you more time to play games. You'll just save space and money if the Mega Console is cheaper then buying 3 individual consoles.

Plus, if your one console breaks, you would have no time to play games since all your games would be unplayable until you get a new console vs having 3 consoles if one break, you still have 2 working consoles to play games on as long as they are not broken, and you own games for them.

Consoles should be cheaper at $100-200 dollars when released, or people can rent consoles for 60 dollars a year, and don't have to deal with RROD, YLOD console repair bills since if you need a new console you send it back to the rental place, and they send you a working console like how people rent cars or houses. They pay a few hundred dollars to live at the house, but don't have to pay for repairs, and other bills which come with home ownership.

I would most likely just get a Gaming PC, Apple iPad, Google Android Tablet, and other Gaming devices if consoles were a monopoly since games would most likely cost 80-90 dollars or more, and the console would cost $1000 like back in the days when basic computers cost thousands of dollars in the 1990s, and software was also expensive because few people made them.
All these points are valid, plus the fact that you would need a terabyte of space, so you would have to invest even more money.
...... WTF is the point??? i mean, how would you control it?
think about it the company thta makes this product will charge undoubtedly more than 1500 just for one, its seems like a good idea and it is but it just wont work in practice
Well, $1500 is a stretch. They actually want to be able to move the product. And it's only a good idea in theory, but is much worse than good.
For a start it's never going to happen. It's like asking the big names to band together and produce one universal internet browser so that web designers don't have to fuck about when building websites.

I've never understood why people have had more than one or two consoles. I've never considered getting a PS3 or Wii. My Brother bought a Wii and I play it with him from time to time, but one console is enough for me.
Each console has something different to offer, specifically exclusives. And I would hate this. It would cause a monopoly, and they would charge it at like $1000, and people would definitely buy it, but that means it could also go up in price. This is why monopoly sucks.


I like the difference each console has to offer, also keep in mind that having to compete is what pushes each of these companies to keep innovating. Once they settle in a comfortable monopoly they wont have to worry about performance and gameplay as much, only about how to milk every new console they make with minor upgrades.
For a start it's never going to happen. It's like asking the big names to band together and produce one universal internet browser so that web designers don't have to fuck about when building websites.

I've never understood why people have had more than one or two consoles. I've never considered getting a PS3 or Wii. My Brother bought a Wii and I play it with him from time to time, but one console is enough for me.

I agree. And I'm quite satisfied with my PS3.
Well, again, exclusives. And I like LIVE better than PSN, but the PS3 has an over-all better design in my opinion.
Well, again, exclusives. And I like LIVE better than PSN, but the PS3 has an over-all better design in my opinion.

Plus, PSN is free as far as I can tell. I can dig that.
...... WTF is the point??? i mean, how would you control it?
think about it the company thta makes this product will charge undoubtedly more than 1500 just for one, its seems like a good idea and it is but it just wont work in practice

If you tally up the prices of the PS3, Wii and Xbox 360 starting out, your spending over 1000 dollars if you get all three at launch price. So it's not cheap no matter how it's done.

I've never understood why people have had more than one or two consoles. I've never considered getting a PS3 or Wii. My Brother bought a Wii and I play it with him from time to time, but one console is enough for me.

I want to play god of war on PS3, And I want to play Zelda on the Wii and plus I want to play Halo on the Xbox 360. Unless hacking is your answer what am I suppose to do?
If there were no exclusives, the Wii would have far less market than the PS3 and 360 because of the bad online, and 360 would have even less of a market (assuming all prices are equal) because the PS2 was known for being one of the best consoles ever, so if the PS3 and 360 launched at equal price, PS3 would be in the lead, considering how the PS3 has been selling more on average on a weekly basis for the past 2 years.
Do video places still rent game consoles these days since if you only want to play a few games, you can rent the console and the games for a few days , and quickly finish the game, and return it?
I want to play god of war on PS3, And I want to play Zelda on the Wii and plus I want to play Halo on the Xbox 360. Unless hacking is your answer what am I suppose to do?


Do video places still rent game consoles these days since if you only want to play a few games, you can rent the console and the games for a few days , and quickly finish the game, and return it?

There are no video places around here. It's all on-line or redbox.
There is one place online that rents systems that I know of, but I don't remember the name of it.

No double posting.
I think a Video Game and DVD rental place similar to Block Buster rented consoles for people who need to rent a console for a day or more for a birthday party, or sleepover party in my town.

I think if arcades and internet cafe also have game consoles with exclusive games like Halo, Zelda, Mario, etc for people to play for a few dollars an hour, there may be more people who go to arcades and internet cafe instead of just PC gamers and Arcade gamers who go to Internet Cafe and Arcades to play multiplayer PC and arcade games, or play single player PC games because Gaming PCs and Arcade machines are too expensive, and out of many people's price range.

I think the Xbox support save files to USB, or online if you have Xbox Live Gold, and the Wii saves files to a SD memory card.
Gamefly seems cool now that I have a PS3. Redbox rents games but it's like $1.50 per day where as gamefly you pay a monthly fee and can keep the games as long as you want.