I'd rather not see an AIO console. I have a 360 and we plan on getting one for the living room and we plan on getting a Wii someday but that is about it..
I still haven't had the urge to go out and buy a PS3 and I doubt that will ever change.
For me it isn't about needing to have more than 1 console, it's about personal choice. I like many of the titles available for 360 as well as the features and so I went out and bought one. I did this just like I plan on going out and buying a Wii because I've always wanted to play the Mario Galaxy series and I like that you can play the games from previous Nintendo consoles as well.
The power savings by having a Wii, PS3, and Xbox 360 will also be better since the Wii uses a lot less power then the Xbox 360, and PS3, so the Wii could be a better choice for a console if your power is limited like in a RV, Car, or Boat which rely on battery power for electricity because it is not plugged into your home's power lines.
The Wii and Xbox 360 Slim are also better choices if you want a console which uses less power to save a few dollars on the electric bill.
Maybe companies can make a slightly cheaper version of a console which uses an external USB Blu-Ray drive, and USB Hard drives or flash drive like some lowend computers for storing and running games, so people can save money by using the same USB disc drive and external hard drive for all three consoles instead of having separate internal Disc drive and Hard drive for all three consoles since these days most console like the Xbox 360 and Wii uses DVD disc to burn games to, and Blu-Ray drives can also play DVD, and DVD games.
Plus, it makes it less costly replacing your console since you can reuse your USB hard drive and disc drive on your new console without datalost from your old console like how a lot of people who owned broken Xbox 360 just reuse their old external hard drive from their old console by sliding it into their new Xbox 360 Arcade without a console which is $99 cheaper then the Full version, and comes with 4GB of built-in memory as well.
I be okay with this idea if multiple companies can make the same game console hardware to play the games, and sell it at different prices, and anyone can make games for the console to sell or release for free like the Gaming PC hardware and PC game industry where many companies can make Gaming PCs, and games for the PC, and sell them at a cheap to higher price, or free like Freemium and ad-supported games.
But, having one company controlling the games, and hardware company is a bad idea because of a monopoly.