Opinions on Infinite Warfare


Well-Known Member
I wanna know what everyone thinks of the new call of duty, since it sold a lot less than last years.

For me, since I heard it's in space since like June I absolutely despised it, since I wanted on the grounds shit, and I got pretty pissed off when I found out you gotta pay eighty quid to get cod4 remastered. But then I actually played it on the weekend during that trial shit, and it's great. Multiplayer was fun aside from the small number of maps being kinda boring, guns were fun to use, lots of shit to try out.

I think they got zombies right, though playing the map for the first time is very confusing, and some weird shit happened at like round 11.

Campaign upto the point they let you play was also fun, mainly due to the Lord Commander and King of the North being the villain, but also it played pretty well, a lot better than recent entries that sorta just got a sandwich bag, let each of the devs shit in it, and slap the title "campaign" on it and shipped it.
nhạc chuông hay, nhac chuong iphone, nhạc chuông không lời
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Campaign was apparently good. I haven't picked it up though. If I did I would want the edition with CoD 4 in (seriously that still annoys the hell out of me) and I can't justify that price when I probably won't touch the multiplayer that much. I heard it has some pay to win elements in multiplayer also, like with the different variants of weapons from the loot crates or whatever. I might wait until its cheap and get the edition with both games just for the campaigns, and CoD 4 multiplayer.
The new one didn't attract me as much compared to the old version of CoD games. So I didn't bought the game and have the Battlefield 1 instead.