Nintendo Paper Mario Color Splash Release Date


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Announced earlier this year, Paper Mario Color Splash will be hitting the Wii U on October 7th 2016.
NICE! Even though I don't like the Paper Mario games due to their simplicity and lack of challenge...This is great! I thought they just would write off the Wii U and that Star Fox or Twilight Princess would be the last actual flagship game!

This kinda makes me think that the NX will definitely be backwards compatible...not just with digital things, but with discs as well.
I'm a bit sad because it doesn't look like any of the Good ol' story-driven Paper Mario Rpgs like Thousand years door and the first one released to Nintendo 64 more than a decade ago. I admit this is a creative game, and the gameplay with painting is really cool. But still looks similar to Paper Mario Sticker Star and New Super Paper Mario. I mean, there is not much effort put in story nor in some character development that had your partners in Thousand years door.
Maybe we're jumping to conclusions though and it will have a compelling storyline. I mean, you never know until you get your hands on it.
I personally definitely enjoyed Paper Mario on Wii, though never got to play it on N64. I know there's not much of a challenge to it, but sometimes after a hard day at work a bit of mindless fun is just what the doctor ordered to make you feel like you can tackle it all again.