'Pet' or 'Animal Companion'?

Poll Poll What do you call your pet animal?

  • Pet, Like a normal human being.

    Votes: 11 91.7%
  • Animal Companion.

    Votes: 1 8.3%

  • Total voters


look at this-

Animal metaphors are usually put-downs, say editors Andrew Linzey and Priscilla N. Cohn. Wild and wildness are associated with an “uncivilized, unrestrained, barbarous existence,’’ they insist. And when pet is combined with owner, it recalls an era when animals were regarded as “property, machines or things to use without moral constraints.’’ That’s why the journal prefers companion animal.

I think this is a load of crap. what do you guys think about it?
That is... retarded. It's not like we called slaves our pets, how would that relate to owning living things as property? Sure, they could be considered our animal companions, but not for their reasons.
When I read the term 'animal companion', I think of something like an animal that is your companion, but you don't legally own it. You know how they have those news stories where the bird hangs out with the dude all the time on it's own free will, etc.?

But yeah, I mean, if you need to register a dog and feed it and look after it, you call it a pet, simple as that. It's yours, after all. It isn't property at all, but it is YOUR responsibility so it's YOUR pet. Besides, if somebody's abusing their pet, generally it gets reported and the animal's taken away. These people are annoying by the fact that why are they rallying for a name change when it could be time spent to do something a little more productive.
"Animal Companion" is just a euphemism for "pet".
Doesn't have anything to do with ownership, but I thought I'd throw that out there.
Animal companion is a lot more syllables. I love my pets! Many dogs actually thrive on pleasing their owners and like to be trained, they like to work to police dogs and such)
I see nothing wrong with the word pet. So pet it is!
'Animal Companion' sounds like a euphemism for something highly disturbing.
If someone were out walking there dog and introduced it as their 'animal companion' and stay well clear, since they're clearly highly disturbed. In fact i might even report them to the RSPCA, just to be on the safe side.
I know the article is ridiculous and we should just continue calling our lovable little animals pets but seriously? For real guys?

Animal companion doesn't sound like a euphemism for something disturbing, get your head out of the gutter.

Ever see service animals? Those are what I also refer to as animal companions.

Animal companion doesn't sound like a euphemism for something disturbing, get your head out of the gutter.
I think perhaps you misunderstood me.
I didn't mean it quite that bad (well, not specifically). I was refering to the sort of nutjobs who dote on their pets 24/7, who will carefully spoon-feed them, who let them sleep in the same bed as them, and are basically in love with them (although in a platonic way). It mainly seems to happen to certain middle-aged women; they treat their pet as a substitute for a human companion, because a previous partner/husband left them, but their beloved pet "would never betray them".
Animal companion doesn't sound like a euphemism for something disturbing, get your head out of the gutter.
I think perhaps you misunderstood me.
I didn't mean it quite that bad (well, not specifically). I was refering to the sort of nutjobs who dote on their pets 24/7, who will carefully spoon-feed them, who let them sleep in the same bed as them, and are basically in love with them (although in a platonic way). It mainly seems to happen to certain middle-aged women; they treat their pet as a substitute for a human companion, because a previous partner/husband left them, but their beloved pet "would never betray them".
Ok, so people who treat their little chihuahua-mix dogs like real people and essentially spoil them to death. Alrighty then, should have just said that. ;p
I know the article is ridiculous and we should just continue calling our lovable little animals pets but seriously? For real guys?

Animal companion doesn't sound like a euphemism for something disturbing, get your head out of the gutter.

Ever see service animals? Those are what I also refer to as animal companions.

I just call those Guide Dogs, heh. Or Helper Monkeys.
lulz this is silly
I call my dog.Buoy, a pet
I know the article is ridiculous and we should just continue calling our lovable little animals pets but seriously? For real guys?

Animal companion doesn't sound like a euphemism for something disturbing, get your head out of the gutter.

Ever see service animals? Those are what I also refer to as animal companions.


Yes, the rescuer or helper animals. Those wuld be the only time I'd referrer to them as 'companions'.