PlayStation PlayStation 4 Processor Unlocked


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The playstation 4 just got more powerful for video game makers, as Sony has just unlocked the 7th core to PS4's processor for any game developer wishing to make use of it.

Reason it was locked in the first place was due to it being used for the Operating System. Since the system released, the developers have worked on making the OS run better without so much needed resources which freed up this core and maybe future ones.
It runs on a customized version of FreeBSD version 9 (based off Linux). The PS3 before it used an older version of FreeBSD.

And there are some versions of Linux which use stupidly low amounts of resources (to the point they can run on things 13 or so years old without issue) because they are designed to be so lightweight. So if the PS4's OS could be tuned to be more lightweight then it'd free up power for games and maybe make them run better. Plus future games could take advantage of that power.
It runs on a customized version of FreeBSD version 9 (based off Linux). The PS3 before it used an older version of FreeBSD.

And there are some versions of Linux which use stupidly low amounts of resources (to the point they can run on things 13 or so years old without issue) because they are designed to be so lightweight. So if the PS4's OS could be tuned to be more lightweight then it'd free up power for games and maybe make them run better. Plus future games could take advantage of that power.
Okay wow definitely a good read, I did own a PS3 for quite some time around 2-3 years and i didnt know that the OS is based on FreeBSD.
Well hopefully this means that we can get much more out of games and even better games coming out soon :grin:
I wonder if having an extra CPU core will improve performance noticeably since having more cores does not always mean noticeable performance in real-life like how an iPhone or iPad CPU has 2 cores and Nvidia Shield tablet has 5 cores, but still outperforms many 8 core Android CPUs, and cheaper Intel Atom CPUs with more cores.

I think most games rely on the videocard for most of the on-screen video action instead of using the processor for displaying video.