Protests In China


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So basically a bunch of citizens in China have begun massively protesting against the zero coivd policy in China. Which has apparently gotten so bad that they censored maskless crowds at the world cup (lol).
Also just found out that CCP police arrested, and reportedly, beat a BBC journalist who was at the protest because:
"beyond a claim by the officials who later released him that they had arrested him for his own good in case he caught Covid from the crowd".
Xi Jinping the control freak strikes again lol
Freedom is the most precious thing, particularly in some autarchic countries! I am glad to see the young generation is rising
I'm really sick and tired of China in every way possible. The whole COVID nonsense started from them and now this.
Human rights seems to be dead in China because I don't understand the reason they do these things almost every time.
This does appear to cause a lot of problems within the CCP and it is definitely amplifying problems created by other CCP policies in the past. However, it is unlikely that the population will be able to do much without great amounts of violence done to the public as Chinese authorities seem to have little regard for human rights and the people have little way of defending themselves.

There is some hope as the CCP does have periods where they appear to take the public opinions into account and when you have 1.4 billion people to keep under control, sometimes changing policy is the best route.
This does appear to cause a lot of problems within the CCP and it is definitely amplifying problems created by other CCP policies in the past. However, it is unlikely that the population will be able to do much without great amounts of violence done to the public as Chinese authorities seem to have little regard for human rights and the people have little way of defending themselves.

There is some hope as the CCP does have periods where they appear to take the public opinions into account and when you have 1.4 billion people to keep under control, sometimes changing policy is the best route.
Managing that vast number of population figures is definitely huge work to deal with no doubt.
Managing that vast number of population figures is definitely huge work to deal with no doubt.
I always try to give the CCP and the lockdowns the benefit of the doubt as any virus running through 1.4 billion people under a state-run (or any) healthcare system will cause huge issues. However, full lockdowns for weeks/months for people already paid low and getting no relief while not working, just spells civil unrest. At least per the way Western news media reports it.
I always try to give the CCP and the lockdowns the benefit of the doubt as any virus running through 1.4 billion people under a state-run (or any) healthcare system will cause huge issues. However, full lockdowns for weeks/months for people already paid low and getting no relief while not working, just spells civil unrest. At least per the way Western news media reports it.
I had a friend in the country when that happened and according to him, what the media reported was half of what went down. It was crazy.
I had a friend in the country when that happened and according to him, what the media reported was half of what went down. It was crazy.
Ya, between the West's push to make China evil and the CCP's push to moderate outgoing media, it is very unlikely we are getting a full story for most events coming out of China.