PSN Hacked

Regarding Steamworks, I did read somewhere that M$ wasn't allowing free content through Steam on the 360. Was there any specific reason why though? It must have made them loose sales for the game having the obvious worst version of the game for the console.

PSN going down hasn't caused me any problems. Netflix still works, I have my sisters to play Portal 2 co-op, and this gives me a chance to finish up playing through Metroid Prime and Okami. Besides, I never really play online anyway, growing up mostly on Nintendo consoles.

It's pretty much a combination of Microsoft's tight regulations and lack of clarity between both parties of whether Valve had the okay to implement Steamworks like they did with the PS3. Here's an article done last month regarding the topic. Honestly, I don't think it hurt sales too much. Just at my store for example, we had more pre-orders for the PS3 version but the 360 wasn't too far off. It was mainly the multi platform owners who jumped ship once they heard the implementation of Steam and bonus copy for the PC. More bang for their buck. I'm sure my experience was shared by many.

I hope Valve has more luck in the future with their goal of Steam integration. I love what they did for the PC gaming community with Steam and what they try to bless the console side of things with Steamworks so far. Heck they may even have luck with Nintendo's new console if they play their cards right.

I agree, Netflix is working perfectly, internet connections can still be established thankfully, it's just the Playstation side of things going out of wack. I'm glad to hear gaming is still a go in your home. I'm also catching up with other games I've been neglecting. Darn you backlog of awesome games!
Anonymous hacked PSN because Sony prosecuted some guy for jailbreaking the PS3 and distributing somethin'. I don't remember all the details, but I saw a statement from Anonymous somewhere on the matter. They said that they halted the attacks because they realized they were hurting the gaming community more than they were Sony.

And this is kinda old news <.<
Anonymous,as in the 4chan Trolls?
Anonymous hacked PSN because Sony prosecuted some guy for jailbreaking the PS3 and distributing somethin'. I don't remember all the details, but I saw a statement from Anonymous somewhere on the matter. They said that they halted the attacks because they realized they were hurting the gaming community more than they were Sony.

And this is kinda old news <.<
Anonymous,as in the 4chan Trolls?
Yes, those are the fellows. Though this particularly attack supposedly originated from a single hacker and not the group that took down PSN a bit ago.
This just got a whole lot worse - the hacker/s supposedly didn't crash the network, Sony took it down themselves. Apparently the hacking was done with the intention of identity and credit theft, something like 70 million accounts have been compromised.
This just got a whole lot worse - the hacker/s supposedly didn't crash the network, Sony took it down themselves. Apparently the hacking was done with the intention of identity and credit theft, something like 70 million accounts have been compromised.
I'm just glad they decided to shut down the network in the first place. Upgrading their server's security is a definite must considering the outcome that has occurred by the ungrateful hacker.


And this is a big but mind you. Shame on Sony for not doing what they should have done in the first instance of possible back door entries buzzing around the internet for the past couple of months. They should have took the initiative to stop such methods the second the instructions for decryption of encrypted information popped on the internet. Of course no one was truly foreseeing this compromise to ever occur but even so, this only proves that not one network is truly secure.

I just hope other networks/companies such as Microsoft, Nintendo, Valve, etc will take note of what's occurring and take more caution when it comes to one's security. Especially since any one of these companies can face the same fate and us consumers pay for such irresponsibility.
They should have let people know straight away instead of waiting 9 days. That's 9 days the hackers had to do whatever they wanted with the information they gained before anyone knew.
It doesn't bother me too greatly. Except for the email I received today telling me that I may have been hacked. I think this email was sent to all PSN members however, due to the little fact that I can't have my credit card details stolen IF I DON'T HAVE A CREDIT CARD!!!


Despite that, I don't have a PS3, only a PSP. And I only have a PSN account for downloading games, like Crash Bandicoot. I don't play online or anything else, so I don't have to worry. Unless they use it to send me
It doesn't bother me too greatly. Except for the email I received today telling me that I may have been hacked. I think this email was sent to all PSN members however, due to the little fact that I can't have my credit card details stolen IF I DON'T HAVE A CREDIT CARD!!!


Despite that, I don't have a PS3, only a PSP. And I only have a PSN account for downloading games, like Crash Bandicoot. I don't play online or anything else, so I don't have to worry. Unless they use it to send me

But Y64M, if they send you spam, you're gonna have a free supply of food coming in non-stop! I say spam away! *opens mouth, awaits canned goodness*
My thoughts on this:

1. I feel sorry for anyone who's account got hacked. Contact your local bank or credit card company and get the account/card deactivated, if you've been lucky enough to not have anything stolen/the data used for identity fraud. If you have had said happen, also contact those organisations and the police.

2. I honestly hope they come down hard on these hackers responsible. Unlike other 'hackers', these guys are definitely criminals and shouldn't be idolised, regardless of what those geek idiots online say about Sony deserving it (they didn't. The customers especially didn't). Maybe ten or so years in prison will do them good? Maybe the harsh atmosphere in prison will get rid of their arrogance.

3. Sony did screw up massively by how they stored the personal data in an easy to read format, and should be sued for it. The only people in this who should come out of the crisis without penalty are the 70 odd million customers whose personal info was stolen when the network was compromised. The hackers can get their lengthy prison time, and Sony their heavy fine for not keeping the info safe.

But I hope the system recovers and is online soon. I may not play Playstation 3 games, but it's a good system with it's share of good games, and for this event to happen is horrible.

"All existing PlayStation Network customers will be provided with 30 days free membership in the PlayStation Plus premium service. Current members of PlayStation Plus will receive 30 days free service."
