Recent Changes

Profile background is one of the last changes on the list right?
LOL - I'm patient but I don't want you to forget. You were going to forget huh? :smileycat:

would have taken care of it last night but had to go to bed early for school >_<
I am. Get to it NOW!!! haha, just kidding.:)

I'm so tempted to test the discourage feature on you :P

Anyways, no updates tonight but I have three goals for this weekend.

1. Get the bulk of the awards up this weekend

2. Get the profile backgrounds set up.

3. Get a test site (copy of our current site) up to start testing Xenforo 1.5 (we're on 1.4.9).

With those done, I can focus on advertising and relaxing a little while cleaning up loose ends.
You guys should be receiving awards as I add them, I'll be posting full details on how to get them and such later. I've been looking for transparent images to make sure they really look good for the board!
Faceless award? You guys messed with my avatar and now you guys gave me a faceless award >:(
Now, I want to kill someone badly >.<