Recent Changes

You didn't have status updates enabled in the sidebar on IPB. What made you decide to enable them on XenForo? :confused:

xenforo is all about the side bar, so I'm just make use of the features on it. you know how many lawsuit claims by idiot kids I get per year for (About 70) One was discovery channel.
Currently there is and all sites that are copy and pasted from my own network. I can't do jack and I wouldn't care to.

You cannot be sued for any of that. It doesn't matter how serious these clowns act because companies that sue "DO NOT" enter a forum and private message you. They SUE. they also don't have lawyers email you too. This is ridiculous.
In order to be sued they have to have a patent on the word "edge" which is impossible considering there are thousands of companies that use that word.

You are destroying the credibility of the forum by swapping new names because of these raccoons who are talking smack. Seriously dude, stop, please.

I've been buying and selling networks online for 20yrs. I have owned over 400 sites in my life.

I may tolerate a stupid Xenforo conversion but I'm not going to be enrolling in this domain bounce crap. Ditching a 10yr old domain and starting over with a new domain is the WORST idea of bad ideas. You'll find that out when your visitor traffic goes completely dead for the next 5yrs.

Sidenote: I'm going to that edgegame place and tell them to frig off.

Usually I would demand that you do no such thing or face the ban hammer, but since one of their members so rudely visited here first you have my full blessing under all of our banners.

Yes, after seeking console of others on the net I may have acted too quickly on this but since I was dead tired from a long day I'm not surprised I acted too quickly. Regards to that, I may still bring back Edge Gamer in another form for a project me and @Martin have in mind.