Ripping off Minecraft?


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Okay, this is just stupid:


How can anyone not think this is an extremely blatant Minecraft rip off? Even the name is 'Fortress Craft'.

Those graphics are a heck of a lot better than Minecraft's graphics. Yes, I know graphics don't always make or break the game, but the water in Minecraft makes my skin crawl.
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Those graphics are a heck of a lot better than Minecraft's graphics. Yes, I know graphics don't always make or break the game, but the water in Minecraft makes my skin crawl.

that's why people made texture packs. =P

EDIT: And oh god, I can see a major lawsuit over this happening too.
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Wow people are pissed off over nothing. I mean what if it's made by the same people? Did they think of that?

Though it may sound cooler than Minecraft, it still doesn't look all too apealing to me.
Cool project but I think it's lame to make an indie clone of an already indie game. I mean, Indie developers are usually much more creative than commercial developers because they don't have to conform and aren't being directed by a publisher who funds their projects and holds control. To take this creativity and waste it is..well its just kind of gross to me.

The developers of that project ARE very talented though, but I think they'd be much better off using that skill and making their own cool project, not steal someone else's.


Those graphics are a heck of a lot better than Minecraft's graphics. Yes, I know graphics don't always make or break the game, but the water in Minecraft makes my skin crawl.
It's not that they can't make it better, it's just that it's the style Notch was going for. I think it fits. It wouldn't look right if it was all amazing graphics.
The creator said it's inspired by Minecraft. It's going to take a more technical approach. (Fortresses with turrets and such)

Still a bit too much similar, but it won't hurt anything and no one really pays much attention to the indie section of the 360.
Technically Minecraft is a ripoff of Infiniminer, but Minecraft was just inspired by it. They changed a shitload of stuff. I think we'll all forget about Fortresscraft in a week.
This game looks muuuch nicer, and who knows...the concept of the game in general could be different. Let's not forget that minecraft is and rpg as well. this game obviously uses the game game doesn't necessarily make it the same.
This is coded in C++ by the way, while Notch's engine is in Java. This guy did it from scratch, so it's not all that much the same anyway. Only by concept, which is is going to change as he develops it anyway.