Rising Gas Prices


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Sooo yeah, gas prices are going through the roof! Anyone here being impacted by it?
Yesterday the place I usually go has gas at $4.05. I had half a tank, but in hindsight I should've probably gotten some. I saw images in California where its up to $9.
Luckily for me, I drive a pretty small car that gets almost 40 miles to the gallon. So, I'm not filling up that often between that and the fact that normally my driving is pretty much in town.
£1.59 per litre over here in the UK. I remember getting my car in December 2020 and it was just £1.37. Can't see it getting lower or staying still anytime soon
Just worked out that 1 gallon is something like 4.5 litres. The petrol prices for you guys are cheap even at these increased prices. If I calculated it correctly, I'm basically paying around $9 per gallon when converted
So I try not to look at gas prices too hard. I fill up when I have to. I see it as a necessity because I won't walk most places. I must say that after every fill up I do hesitate to really go anywhere unless I absolutely have to. lol
It's up to $3.80 a gallon here. I topped my car off the other day and it was almost $23 and I was just above a half a tank. Yikes!
Unless you are someone who is rich or you're someone who doesn't have to pay for their own bills, then you'll be impacted my the price increase on gas.