Should school hours be changed?


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Something debated about in my town, but do you think schools should start later in the day to allow kids more time to sleep?
I'd actually rather bet it over with but the true reason is after school activities and sports. School has to start early just fir the activities.
I think it is better for kids to start earlier since a lot of parents have jobs which start at 8-10 AM, so it may cause a scheduling problem for Kindergarden to Grade 4 students which need a parent to watch them, so their kids don't play with fire or knives, put their finger in the electrical outlet, or do other harmful things.

I also agree that afterschool activities like band, sports, clubs, etc, and Afterschool jobs for older students who are working age are one of the reasons that kids go to school early, so they have more time after school for after school activities, and more afterschool working hours for students with part-time jobs.
I think there should be some flexibility to it. I think there shouldn't be just one hour to start.
That could help the schedule of the parents. Then again, probably that'd create new unnecessary problems.
I'm also not sure if making school start latter will increase the amount of sleep kids will get because there will still be as much homework that students need to do before going to bed. Some kids will also stay up latter because they go to school latter, so they would end up sleeping the same amount of hours.

I think not assigning as much homework will make kids go to bed latter because there is less homework to do at home before going to bed.
Maybe there should be an option for online school courses for kids with internet at home, and want to sleep more because they can either wake up latter to do online courses, or do courses latter in the day. There are probably some courses like History where online courses would work because you are mostly reading books, and answering questions or writing History essays which don't require learning as many  new skills like math, science, and english grammer.

I know some people who attend online courses because they have work in the morning where they can't attend school during the day.
froggyboy604 said:
Maybe there should be an option for online school courses for kids with internet at home, and want to sleep more because they can either wake up latter to do online courses, or do courses latter in the day. There are probably some courses like History where online courses would work because you are mostly reading books, and answering questions or writing History essays which don't require learning as many  new skills like math, science, and english grammer.

I know some people who attend online courses because they have work in the morning where they can't attend school during the day.
you need kids to be at school though to interact with each other and make friends.
Demon_Skeith said:
you need kids to be at school though to interact with each other and make friends.
Kids can go to camp, clubs, local sports, volunteer at different places, the library, the community center, the park, and go to arcades to make friends with other kids at those place. There are also online forums,apps, and social networks where people can meet up in real life once they know and trust their online friends better. I met some of my members on forums since some of them live in the same place as me, or they visit my town.

A lot of kids who are home schooled also make friends with other home schooled kids since there are clubs for home schooled kids according to a teacher who knows home schooled kids.
Home schooling has become more common now a days than when I was in school.  There are a lot more parents that are home schooling their children rather than sending them to public or private school and one of the benefits of that is the child gets more rest that way.  Also, the child would get plenty of sleep if they made sure their children when to bed at a decent time as well. 

I think this subject would vary from one set of parents to another and the reasons for it will vary. 
Demon_Skeith said:
problem with home school is, the kids don't get out and interact.
There are still many ways for kids to interact. I usually played with my neighbors' kids, cousins, and siblings, and kids at the community centre when I took a cooking and art class at the community center when I was a kid.

I think teens  in the US and Canada can attend Community College for a low price  or free to quickly finish their high school courses, or take non-academic courses like drawing, art, music, etc, so they can go to college faster, or learn stuff they want to learn when they are not being home schooled.

There are homeschool parents these days which teach a group of home schooler kids since parents studied a different topic in college/university, so homeschool parents and kids go to other homeschoolers houses to study different topics which their parents studied in college.
I think it should, but then they should add an extra day like Saturday. That way, they also wouldn't have to give out as much H.W, which is needed (H.W).
for(; ;)
printf(" YES");

That's an infinity block :p 
So, my answer is an infinite "yes"
Demon_Skeith said:
no kid wants up on saturday before 10 AM.

you can get that code junk out of here :p
Meanie >.<
Isn't it just soooooooooo pretty? 